Served up fresh for you: our weekly round-up of favorite links to other blogs, web sites, articles, and images, all gathered from around the Twitterverse.
• Jane Austen and the art of letter writing.
• Americans abroad in 1893: naive, brash, insistent on meeting kings, & carrying boxes of turtles.
• How two men "edited" Queen Victoria, and forever changed our impressions of her.
• Swaddling clothes.
• 1908 "Temperance Map" has the best names for the bad places drinkers will visit.
• Shaving in the trenches: washing and grooming during the Great War.
• Image: Clash of two worlds - a medieval library still used by monks today (Erzabtei St. Peter, Switzerland.)
• The Epicure's Almanack: London's first "good food guide", 1815.
• An 1803 green enamel mourning ring & the history of enamel in jewels.
• When & why colonial America's greatest painter took his brush to Europe.
• Pauper boys at the Metropolitan District School, 1872 - learning a trade and patience through "make & mend."
• Hand-colored English butterflies, each page dedicated to a different patron, 1760.
• Uncommon soldiers: women in the American Civil War.
• Image: Georgian Londoners at Bullock's Museum, 22 Piccadilly, 1816.
• So creepy-cool (and perhaps even useful): maps of Hell.
• Ironclad patriotism: when Germans gave up their gold jewelry to battle Napoleon.
• Twenty-two images from NYC's golden age of bridge-building.
• A famous statesman remembered as an irritating teenager: Pitt and the Pompadour pony.
• The 1911 Switzer Home & Institute for Girls, New York: where working girls paid $3.50 a week to live in an all-female hotel with two meals a day.
• Image: Eighteenth century butchers and beaux: not a good combination.
• Sherlock Holmes' most famous case was published on March 25, 1902.
• Bodie, CA, the Wild West's most photogenic ghost town.
• The ten best fictional mothers in pictures.
• The girl with the Christian tattoo: religious-magical practices in late antique Egypt.
• Historical truth or myth? "Beds were shorter back then because people were shorter."
• Molly Stark's story of the British evacuation of Boston, 1776.
• Dead men's teeth: short history of early dentures.
• Image: Angry letter, 1799, from the Marquis de Sade to a columnist who wrote his obituary, prematurely and incorrectly.
• "My party dress": Mrs. Eddy visits the House of Pingat, 1878.
• Monarch and monkeys.
ª Portraits of patients from Surrey County Asylum, c 1855.
• Fascinating use of Mormon "brand" to sell aphrodisiacs in the 19th c.
• Photographs of twins from the 1850s to the 1950s.
• Long-forgotten London in 19th c. engravings before the era of photography.
• Image: Salon des Porcelaines dans les Petits Appartements du Roi, Versailles.
• This is your brain on knitting (and it's all good, too.)
• Traveling for suffrage: riding the rails across the country in 1916.
• Fifty-one delightfully geeky language facts.
• Quack! A 1930 dress decorated with ducks. Or maybe they're ostriches?
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
3 months ago
Temperance is a topic I keep coming back to, because of its connection to coffee palaces, female suffrage and the growth of religious/social movements like Salvation Army.
The only thing that surprises me about the 1908 Temperance Map was its relatively late date. Coffee palaces in this country were thriving in the 1870s and 80s; women got the vote by the mid 1890s etc etc.
Thanks for the link
Another great collection. I had a good time sorting through these, and even bookmarked some.
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