Ready for your Sunday browsing - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, blogs, articles, and images, collected via Twitter.
• The Battle of Waterloo is hiding on the edge of this beautifully bound book by Robert Southey.
• How did Marie-Antoinette celebrate her twenty-first birthday?
• Finding a new life: a young German Jewish bride among the roustabouts of 1860s Santa Fe, NM.
• Glorious Renaissance altarpieces, and how they came about.
• Image: Twenty-two-year-old fighter ace P/O A.G. Lewis with his Hawker Hurricane, 1940.
• The feminist past – and present – of culottes.
• Uncovering the stories of the women in an iconic WWII VE Day photo.
• The iconic Heavy Cavalry sword, "the" sword of the Napoleonic Wars.
• Wedding history (and advice) from the Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1822.
• Thomas Kemble: kissing his wife earned him a trip to the stocks in Puritan Massachusetts.
• Image: Another sword: this one belonged to Oliver Cromwell, c1650, and it's a beauty.
• The agony of the wedding night for a bashful bridegroom from Tennessee, 1831.
• A short history of men's boot-heels, and their purpose.
• The curative powers of beer and rhubarb.
• What were day-rooms?
• How Outlander's costume designer Terry Dresbach brings history to life.
• Or how to dress like a true 18thc. Highlander: wearing a plaid.
• Image: Napoleon's cloak, captured on the battlefield at Waterloo with the rest of his baggage.
• Bibliotherapy: can reading make you happier?
• Fifty shades of chambray? Lurid 19thc cautionary novels featuring New England factory girls.
• Twenty hauntingly beautiful photographs of Victorian London.
• Image: Patriotic beefcake in 1944 advertisement for Cannon towels.
• Not for the faint-hearted: medicine and surgery at the Battle of Waterloo
• Achoo! An historical look at the humble sneeze.
• Creating a beautifully pattern textile by "undoing" it.
• Ackermann and the celebration of Waterloo.
• A beautifully embroidered 16thc. sleeve fragment, found hidden in a wall.
• A Lowland witch: the legend of Gyre Carline.
• F. Scott Fitzgerald conjugates "to cocktail," the ultimate Jazz Age verb, 1928.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I love the Oliver Cromwell sword and as he was a true military man, he was well entitled to it. Good on the Philadelphia Museum for keeping open to public inspection.
Now the question. Since Cromwell had left the army by c1650 and was in full time politics, does it mean this super sword was created purely for ceremonial and decorative purposes>
This is a great post. I've enjoyed many of the links. The article on the Outlander costume designer is facinating and informative. Thank you so much.
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