Fresh for your weekend browsing - our weekly round-up of fav links to other websites, blogs, articles, and images, gathered via twitter.
• Beautiful treasures from London's Fan Museum.
• The elegant iridescence of Victorian mother-of-pearl book bindings.
• Beautiful Norwegian brides with stunning traditional wedding crowns.
• "Their work was non-work. Just air, like the holes in my lace": thoughtful piece on the lowly status of 'women's work.'
• The case of the sultry mountie: or, we need to talk about Cecil.
• A treasured silk dress c1810, handed down through generations of an Australian family.
• Image: New favorite word: tippitywitchet. From online resource for more about the great Georgian clown Grimaldi.
• Right on the border between amazingly cool and kind of creepy: a 17thc. handprint in handmade paper.
• The character of cats: depictions of cats in Georgian and Regency literature.
• Eighteenth century escapades: Evelina and Fanny.
• George Washington's "Baker Master."
• Fascinating web site: everyday life and fatal hazard in Tudor England.
• Image: A biscuit given as a love token, and kept since 1784.
• Multi-colored Chinese dragons finally to return to the Great Pagoda in Kew Gardens, London.
• The classy rise of the trench coat after WWI.
• A lone survivor: the 1893 Andrew Foye house in NYC sits squashed between newer highrises.
• Don't write off paper just yet (we haven't.)
• Washday blues: duties of a Georgian laundry maid.
• Image: Worried about sunburn? Cover up like the lady in this 1890s fashion plate.
• Weird and wild sea monsters from the ocean's dark depths: revelations from the Thai Mahajanaka Jataka.
• Horses weren't the only animals seeing action in WWI: photos of the Imperial Camel Corps.
• A medieval drinking song.
• "The Sparkler of Albion": the many names Charles Dickens gave himself.
• Italian, sort of: tracing 100 years of changing tastes in ethnic dining through the restaurants in one location in NYC.
• Image: Handbill for refreshments to be had at the trial of Warren Hastings in 1788.
• Modern "hands-on" parenting has its roots in the Middle Ages.
• One of the oldest garments from Egypt: linen Tarkhan dress is about 5,000 years old (and how to make a replica.)
• Delve into the rabbit hole with Alice in this online exhibition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland.
• The first ferris wheel, 1893, was a glorious success.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Re Kew Gardens,
Of course Londoners and others flocked to see the 50m tall building which formed part of Kew’s homage to the Grand Tour. I would have too, had I been able to see the amazing and exotic project.
But how grateful we must be to Sir William Chambers and his extant drawings. This is the only way we can be confident that the new Chinese dragons will fairly replace the original ones.
Really love this blog. Learning so much and referencing them all for my research on my books. Thank you!
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