Here's your weekly serving of Breakfast Links - our favorite links of the week via Twitter, including links to other blogs, web sites, photos, and articles you don't want to miss.
• Mercury sent John Keats to his early grave.
• Henry VIII's lost crown recreated.
• Comfort food or the devil's dinner? Toad-in-a-hole's remarkable history.
• Disappearing act: child in portrait of Maria Salviati & Giulia de 'Medici was once painted over. Why?
• The morals of ping & blue hair, or the craze for colored wigs, 1914.
• Floral print chiffon dress by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, c. 1937.
• Atmospheric photos of magical, mystical Ireland.
• Remembering Marie Antoinette's wedding.
• His Royal Miserliness, in a milliner's shop.
• Gilded age magnificence: Fifth Avenue's 1891 Holland House hotel.
• Antique fans from the Regency era.
• Truth or history myth? British soldiers wore red coats because it would show the blood.
• Photos of St. Andrews, Scotland, in the 1840s.
• More then & now film locations in NYC from Hitchcock's North by Northwest - New York, you've changed.
• The Georgian Joke Book: eighteenth century comedians were funny...and bawdy, of course.
• Mark Twain blames Sir Walter Scott for the American Civil War (and he's not totally wrong, either.)
• The Times reports on what to wear to a balloon ascent, 1785.
• "I beg you to take my child": heartbreaking letters left with abandoned babies in NYC in the 1870s.
• Historical myth-busting: yes, Jack could have been saved when the Titanic sank.
• Inside the masterpiece: portrait of a young Catherine of Aragon.
• Suffragettes, class, and pit-brow women.
• Early modern uses for chicken soup.
• Working the room: Abraham Lincoln's winning quips, including "If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
• Oh those flappers! The rebellious roll garters of the 1920s.
• The dinner that caused a riot in Birmingham, 1791.
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Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I'd read somewhere before about Keats dying of mercury poisoning. How sad that the romantic illusions he maintained overrode his sense of reality.
And hey! I like Toad in the Hole! My paternal grandmother made that often.
So sad about the baby letters though. The saddest was the husband who lost his wife and daughter both and then gives up his son.
Thanks for some great links again.
I'm a bit late with this comment, as we've been on vacation, but once again, thanks for a nice collection of sites. I enjoyed so many of them.
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