Here's your weekly offering of Breakfast Links – our favorite links of the week via Twitter, including links to other blogs, videos, web sites, photos, and articles you don't want to miss.
• The mystery of author Conan Doyle - why did he believe in the supernatural?
• First, Best, and Only - the cousins of history myths.
• Fabulous photos of lost 19th c Glasgow.
• The flower tansy, which has a history as a medieval culinary herb.
• The great New England vampire panic: 200 years after Salem witch trials, farmers became convinced the dead were returning as vampires.
• Hilariously offensive Tab commercial from the 1960s.
• A glimpse into Buster Keaton's recently restored c. 1920s estate in Los Angeles.
• The splendor (and chaos) of George III's Coronation Day, 1761.
• Molly Kool (1916-2009), first certified North American female sea captain.
• A 17th c. warning: don't refuse a witch an apple or you might vomit pins and spoons.
• Drink and prostitution: the Belle Epoque Hooters.
• Montgolfier brothers send wooly and feathered test pilots into sky as Louis XVI watches.
• Re-tracing the steps of a Civil War photographer: Alexander Gardner at Antietam.
• Video of a 1960s invention: the pig swing.
• This is fun, but harder than you think: try to dress the Victorian lady in the correct order.
• The costs of living abroad in London, 1911.
• A minister in colonial America tries to fend off irate women by quoting Latin. And how does that go?
• Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, First Lady.
• A phaeton in 1804: a delightful description.
• Shocking photos by L.W. Hine of women & children working at home in early 1900s.
• The undertaker's bill, 1780. Ever wondered what those pall bearers cost?
• A criminal "fiend" decorates his 1889 NYC building with demons.
• Ten famed literary characters based on real-life people.
• How do you pin a corsage on a strapless gown? Beautiful 1950s evening gown.
• The deadliest poisons in history (and why people stopped using them.)
Crave more than a once-a-week update? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates every day!
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Thanks for including Molly Kool in your links. You're already in my blogroll. Love your blog. :-)
Today was definitely a day for losing myself in the breakfast links and these did not disappoint. I think my favorite, (and yes, I know it's shallow) was the strapless gown. Beautiful! And it reminded me a bit of the black and white ensemble Grace Kelly wears in Rear Window.
I really got sidetracked though with all the youtube videos and one leading to another and another get the idea ;o)
Whoa. That Tab ad is pretty darn offensive. But then again, when the best slogan your ad company can come up with is, "Be a mind sticker," it's a wonder if ever aired at all! Yikes!!
Interesting about Conan Doyle! I've read a lot of persons (especially in England) became involved in supernatural investigations -seances, ouija boards, reincarnation and such- after WWI/Flu epidemic and the incredible death toll they caused. People simply could not deal with so much meaningless death of loved ones.
Great collection, as usual. I especially liked the "Dress a Victorian" site. I'm doing a rewrite of an MG novel set in the Victorian era, and this is actually quite helpful! Thanks!
I liked the one about Conan Doyle, too. I was just reading a book about him.
Glad everyone enjoyed these! It's a weekly challenge, narrowing them down - there's so much great nerdy history *stuff* out there in the Twitterverse.
For the record: I did really, really badly on the Dress the Victorian Lady challenge. Obviously I'm meant to stay in an earlier time period!
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