Another serving of our favorite links of the week to other blogs, web sites, pictures, and articles, collected for you from around the Twitterverse.
• For Father's Day: Photos of Dads & their kids, 1840s-1950s.
• Grim history, grand buildings: abandoned Talgarth Asylum, Wales.
• Royal mistress Diane de Poitiers used her charms in 1524 to save her father from beheading.
• An unusually informal & popular (especially with Scottish immigrants) Victorian sculpture in Central Park lasts only 19 years.
• British accusation of Yankee atrocities at Battle of Bunker Hills: chewed musket balls.
• This week in 1873: Suffragist Susan B. Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote in 1872 presidential election.
• Crinoline cartoons from the 1850s.
• Slangs of NY: 19th c street vocabulary worth bringing back.
• Workboxes, needle cases, & other Georgian needlework paraphernalia.
• Black cat auditions in Hollywood, 1961.
• Happy first day of summer - celebrate with a Weegee photo of the crowds at Coney Island, NY.
• Royal Ascot in the 1960s, when the elegance seemed effortless & the skirts very short.
• Glorious 1930s color photographs of everyday American life.
• Oo la la! Pale aqua boudoir slippers, c 1939.
• Bridget, the woman who beggared belief - and herself - in 1839 for the sake of her husband.
• Poignant reminder of thousands of horses who served in WWI: remains of war horses discovered at the Menin Gates.
• So charming: Robert Louis Stevenson transfers his birthday to a young girl.
• Eighteenth century Spanish paps and steeple creams, or, the wobbliest jelly in the universe.
• The American Wild West was even wilder than you thought.
• Zoomable map of England in 1736.
• Photos of Chelsea Pageant 1908 by Kate Pragnell, one of only two women professional photographers in London at the time.
• Friday weirdly turned into Evil Bunny Day: vengeful medieval rabbits, Elizabethan coney-catching, medieval rabbit justice, medieval rabbit with a crossbow, & rabbit with a horn.
• Just launched: incredible resource on BlackGotham: life in 19th c NYC.
• You can choose to live your life with the joy of the front row, or the solemnity of the third row.
• This week in 1868: Christopher Latham Sholes receives patent for invention he called "Type-Writer."
Crave more than a once-a-week update? Follow us on Twitter at @2nerdyhistgirls for the freshest tweets every day.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
My handle on some sites is Evil Bunny and the links for that are some of the most interesting ones I've seen in the last month.
The Got Medieval blog is simply brilliant!
The Royal Ascot link goes to the coney island picture?
Anonymous - NO! Obviously the wrong link slipped in there. Mea culpa - I've fixed it with the proper link for Royal Ascot, but here it is, too:
Ana, the Bad Rabbit/Evil Bunny thing on Twitter was so strange. Those images all came from different people, all tweeting them on a single day. At least now I know you're the true Power Behind the Hutch. *g*
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