Isabella reporting:
I'm back on-line at last, and gratefully unscathed, too. My corner of Pennsylvania was directly in Sandy's path, but we were very lucky to suffer nothing worse than a few small branches down and a refrigerator full of spoiled food when we lost power for the better part of this week. My thoughts and sympathy are with all those in New York and New Jersey who lost so much. The images of the damage are staggering, and heartbreaking, too.
The reason for our power outage was instantly clear when I crept out to survey the damage on Tuesday morning. My house is at the dead-end of a rambling U-shape, and several very large, old trees were blown over, taking power poles, lines, and a couple of cars with them. Workers from the electric company, cable provider, telephone, and various tree surgeons and landscapers are still toiling today to clean up the mess.
One of the casualties was Halloween for trick-or-treaters. Although I stood at the end of my drive with a basket of candy and a flashlight, ready to deliver to this year's crop of princesses and pirates, most parents wisely kept their kids inside and away from downed wires and inky darkness.
But amidst all the gloom and destruction, there was one charmingly bright spot on our street. Power outage or not, one of my neighbors was clearly determined that his Halloween treat go as planned, below. I'm assuming that the fact that the pumpkins are still sitting before the house means she said yes!
Storm photographs copyright Jay Scott.
Pumpkin photograph copyright Susan Holloway Scott.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
On this side of the pond, we have all been shocked, watching the storm and the devastation - let's hope everything gets back to normal very quickly for you.
In the meantime, just love the pumpkins - I hope s/he said yes!
Stay safe!
Glad you're ok! Sorry to see those beautiful trees uprooted. Here in NYC we're starting to get back on our feet. Glad you are too.
So glad you're all safe!
So glad you're safe Susan/Isabella. I was so eerie to watch the weather reports, and then the images of the storm, when weather in California has been peaceful and sunny all week. o.O
I'm so glad you're safe. My thoughts have been with all of my east coast friends since Monday morning.
We'd left Maine at 8 Monday morning and made it as far as Buffalo before we called it quits. When the wind started blowing hard enough to lift the wipers from the windshield and blow us across the turnpike into the field, I found a room in downtown Buffalo and that was it for the night. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be in the midst of it, but it's great to see you back online.
Glad you fared well in the storm. It did so much damage in so many places. Glad you are all right.
The pumpkins were really sweet!
Many thanks for all the good wishes - the more I see on TV, the more grateful I am to have escaped unscathed.
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