Funny how fashion changes. My new story required my moving out of the Regency into that no man’s land between 1820--when the Regent became King George IV--and 1837, when Victoria donned her crown and launched the Victorian era. I’m in late 1831, to be precise.
In the course of researching fashion, I noticed that while men’s dress remained relatively simple and form-fitting, women’s dress went berserk.
I can’t help thinking that Brummell killed the male peacock. Is that something to regret?
Loretta, I always loved Dain's description of Jessica's demented clothing in LOS. So funny from the male point of view!
I, for one, am happy that the Beau killed the peacock.
I LOVE this post. I agree that fashion for women was all over this place. Personally, I've always been a fan of the bustle. I've NO idea how easy it might have been to wear, but it sure looks lovely when I look at it. Women always looked like figureheads on a ship.
And I think there's nothing finer than a man in snug breeches. It's just downright sexy.
Great POST and looking forward to more in the future. It's now in my Google Reader!
Vanessa, I saw some wonderful examples of the kinds of things Jess would wear in the film, The Horseman on the Roof. The movie is a romance (very romantic, IMO) but it does deal with the cholera epidemic, so it does have some grim aspects, not for the very squeamish. I'm pretty squeamish, but I still loved it. Truly romantic movies are so hard to find.
Monica, I'm with you on the bustles. I think they are incredibly sexy.
Susan, I think we need to share some of our Booty pix with the readers before too long.
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