Loretta reports:
Today I'm showing another example of 19th C children’s dress. This one, from 1835—the year of Silk is for Seduction—is the sort of thing little Lucie might wear . . . during her geography lesson.
(No. 7.) TOILETTE D' INTERIEUR—Robe de chambre of mousseline de laine; the corsage and skirt made all in one. The collar or pelerine is à revers, rounded at back and pointed on the shoulders, where it is ornamented with small tassels: this revers folds back as far as the waist in front (see plate). The sleeves are immensely full all the way down: the dress is fastened round the waist by a ceinture of itself, from which depends two long ends, finished by tassels. A small liseré or piping of blue satin goes entirely round the dress. The robe de chambre is wadded and lined. Cap of Grecian net, with a plain round caul and double border of the same, standing up from the face (see plate): the cap is ornamented with small blue wild flowers, and bows of satin ribbon of the same colour. The hair is in plain bands. On the neck is a guimpe of fine cambric (see plate), with a single frill at top, of the same, festonné at the edge, and which, as well as the entire front of the guimpe, is small plaited; it is drawn in at the neck with a small cord and tassels. Cotton stockings, à jours and wadded silk shoes.
CHILD'S DRESS.— Frock and trousers of white muslin, the latter embroidered. The corsage à l’Enfant, the sleeves short and full. Ceinture and nœuds de page of pink satin ribbon: black silk mittens, trimmed at the tops with a ruche or quilling of tulle. The hair is divided in a point (see plate): the front hair, which is curled, falls as low as the neck; and the back hair is brought in two braids to the temples, where it is fastened up with bows of pink ribbon, to match those on the dress. Kid shoes, and gaiters of drap de soie couleur Hanneton.
— Lady’s Magazine & Museum Vol. VI, 1835
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I loathe the clothing (and hair!) of the 1830s. Always have. Keeley Hawes might be the only person I’ve ever seen who doesn’t look ridiculous in that period’s fashions.
if you have a hard time seeing what the dress would look like when worn check out
Actually the MAINE MEMORY NETWORK did a exhibit of fashion and this is just one of the slides ...you might find the whole slide show of interest.
I keep think...no electricity, summer heat....washing and ironing all that fabric...what were they thinking
I find it fascinating that so much time of every day was devoted to dressing and primping. However, that's why this time period is so interesting and happens to be my favorite. Thanks for sharing this on FB.
Connie Fischer
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