Breakfast Links are served - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images via Twitter.
• How much scent was too much for a Victorian lady or gentleman?
• Sophie Blanchard, the first woman to fly solo in a balloon, 1805.
• Online exhibition: American aviatrixes: women with wings.
• Image: Sample book of crochet stitches and patterns.
• "Stupid news" of the 19th century.
• The truth about Johnny Appleseed: he was "a bit of a loon" who died a rich man from planting apples to make hard cider.
• Finding "buried treasure" of the material culture variety on the grounds of an historic 18thc New England house.
• The history of church fans: a quintessential accessory in the American south, and much more in the hands of black women.
• Image: Watercolor painting of George III and Queen Charlotte giving alms to the poor, Maundy Thursday, 1773.
• Medieval Arabic recipes and the history of hummus.
• Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and the war that changed poetry forever.
• One hundred forty-six people, mostly young immigrant women, died a horrific death in New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911.
• Image: Medieval church mermaid, All Saints, Upper Sheringham, Norfolk.
• An African abbot in Anglo-Saxon England.
• Online exhibition featuring "Silence Dogood" - the creation of a teenaged Benjamin Franklin, marking his first published pieces as a journalist.
• Dinner on horseback: a Gilded-Age party for the books.
• Mary Katherine Goddard: the woman who printed the Declaration of Independence.
• In 20thc restaurants, nightclubs, and hotels: check your hat?
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Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
The post about New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911 was important and deserves to be read by social historians, even today. Especially today!
I'm glad to see they mention Jacqueline Cochran. She went part way through entrance trials for the astronaut program and then NASA dumped her out when she was doing better than John Glenn had.
It would be twenty years before the U.S. had a female astronaut in space, twenty years after the first Russian female astronaut, Valentina Tereshkova.
Forget trying to read the Cochran article in Wikipedia, aka Hisapedia. Someone us lived during those times and remember the truth, not male smearing of female accomplishments. I notice that article, which mentions John Glenn and Scott Carpenter testifying before Congress against admitting women into the astronaut program omits their "joke" that a woman "would exceed their allowance for recreational equipment."
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