Breakfast Links are served - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images via Twitter.
• Secrets of a 19thc brothel privy.
• Preserving a remarkably original Regency townhouse.
• Image: A 19thc sack that held a dress, pecans, braid of hair, & "love always" from enslaved Rose to her nine-year-old daughter Ashley when she was sold away form her.
• This newly-restored Georgian water pump in London was partially paid for by the East India Company.
• Published and damned: the shocking life of Harriette Wilson.
• Poison and protest: Sarah Bassett and enslaved women poisoners in the early modern Caribbean.
• The Dark Man: an 1893 story of an Irish changeling.
• Image: 415-year-old corset (or "pair of straight bodies") from funeral effigy of Elizabeth I prepared for display at Westminster Abbey; follow thread for more photos.
• The world's oldest decorated eggs pre-date Christianity.
• A transcribed recipe for 17thc Apple Snow to try at home.
• The British Newspaper Archives have digitized several newspapers linked to women's suffrage movement to read online.
• Videos, broadsides, letters, & artifacts: highlights of The Irish Atlantic exhibition from the Massachusetts Historical Society to view online.
• Image: In 1951, a columnist complained that Marilyn Monroe was "cheap & vulgar" and would have looked more decent in a potato sack; Marilyn's response was these photos.
• Bobbi Gibb, the woman who crashed the Boston Marathon in 1966.
• A walk through time, Spitalfields Market, London.
• Catharine Macaulay, the 18thc author of The History of England.
• A 1790s French neoclassical woman's slipper, resplendent with sequins.
• Image: Pre-modern artists imagined female superheroes in functional armor: Penthesilea, a brave woman, detail of medieval tapestry in the Angers Castle.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
3 months ago
love always isn't a valid link.
KarenAnne - Sorry about that! The original post/link appears to have been taken down (grrrrr), but I found another one that contains much the same information. The above link is now corrected, and here it is as well:
Thank you for a wonderful blog. The "love always" story made me cry. Some things are just unimaginable.
Echoing the reader above. I've never left a comment to tell you how much I look forward to this blog each day and especially the Links. There is always something thoughtful, informativie, provocative here, and I appreciate that you are willing to include "difficult" things and are not afraid to go beyond the standard Regency world of rich people in palaces.
The "love always" story made me cry, too. This is the burden our country continues to carry today.
The Georgian Waterpump was starting to look a bit derelict but as a marker of The Parish Pump Act, its preservation was essential. Great post.
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