Breakfast Links return! Here's our weekly round-up of fav links to other blogs, web sites, articles, and images, gathered for you via Twitter.
• The marvelous historically-based book illustrations of Hugh Thomson (1860-1920).
• Fabulous: a 17thc woman artist's butterfly journey.
• That time the Roosevelts threw a toga party in the White House.
• Slenderizing salons and reducing machines: not-so-fit fitness crazes of the 40s & 50s.
• According to the Oxford Dictionaries: how accurate was the language in Blackadder?
• Hannah Snell: the Amazons and the press gang.
• Image: Miniature books with maps for dolls, 1690-1710 from the Rijksmuseum.
• A modern couple chooses to live a Victorian life, and a more reasoned reply.
• Wonderful story of WWI soldier discovered via a mudlarking find.
• Recreating an Elizabethan-Jacobean petticoat and bodice.
• Nineteenth century Americans and their knowledge of good tea.
• Image: Ducking stool shown on 1727 map of Richmond.
• Does Edgar Allen Poe's cane hold the key to the mystery of his death?
• How Louis XIV invented fashion as we know it.
• In honor of Labor Day: ten films about garment workers (and why there aren't more of them.)
• Criminals or celebrities? Life and death in a Georgian prison.
• A survivor recalls the first day of bombing of the London Blitz, September 7, 1940.
• Image: Bright pink flamingos from a 15thc. Italian chasuble.
• Women, recycling, and the War in England, 1918.
• How Anglo-Saxon personal names reflected societal changes.
• Drunk confessions: women and the cliches of the literary drunkard.
• An argand lamp was at the forefront of lighting technology in 1790.
• Image: Seriously doubt headlines get any better than this one from the Minneapolis Journal, 1906.
• Fascinating reading: a historian's thoughts on why Americans have come to dress so casually.
• Queen Victoria's watercolor of Lord Melbourne holding her pet dog Islay; neither looks happy.
• The Arbatel: a 16thc. grimoire (textbook of magic) with a surprisingly positive message.
• Image: This waterproof bag for your swimsuit was a must-have accessory for the beach in 1925.
• Charles Dickens and his dogs.
• Dead men's eyes: a history of optography.
• Built in 1910, this once-elegant men's store still stands on Broadway in New York.
• Learning the hard way: New York Parental School for habitual truants and troublemakers doesn't look like much fun, c1914.
• Just for fun: Dante casually running into Beatrice in art history.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I love the post on women's role in recycling precious materials in WW1. In my posts I have often considered that women's work as doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers in WW1 was understated and under-appreciated.
So recycling was doubly important to historians. Firstly it clearly highlighted the importance of recycling precious material. But secondly it highlighted the important contribution that women at home could make to the war effort, while their husbands and sons were over in France, Belgium, Turkey etc.
Thank you for introducing me to so many new and wonderful blogs through your breakfast links. I look forward to curling up on the couch of Sunday delving into your recommendations.
I can remember my mother recycling tin cans in WWII. She could use a can opener to take off the top and bottom, put them in the can, and then squash it flat, I assume to save space.
That was the same time when margarine was white, and came with a packet of yellow food coloring to mix into it, thanks to the butter lobby's restrictions.
How nice to see a link to Fashion Research in such good company. And as a bonus, we get to discover this wonderful blog! Thanks!
Some really interesting stuff, thanks. I enjoyed both the article on living as a "Victorian" and the push-back from Slate.
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