Fresh for you - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, blogs, articles, and images, all gathered from around the Twitterverse.
• In NYC in April 17, 1922, a "Fine Old Easter Parade Lost in Flapper Swarm."
• A peek inside the mother-daughter collaboration that brought us the Little House books - and how very different they would have been if Laura Ingalls Wilder had published her original manuscript.
• This changes everything: the 18th c. cheer "Huzzah!" was actually pronounced "Huzzay!"
• Buying milk in St. James's Park & Georgian London.
• Five fascinating facts about the Brontë sisters.
• Image: Wall Street and the Tontine Coffee House, New York, 1797.
• Dying for honor: the duel in 18th c. Dublin.
• Did Paul Revere's famous ride really matter on April 19, 1775?
• Traditionally Rome was founded on April 21st, 753 BC.
• "A d_m cock-eyed b_": insults, nudity, subversion, and resistance: wild 19th c. workhouse women.
• How a female architecture student saved skyscraper Manhattan in 1978 - and how in the subsequent reporting she was always referred to as a male.
• Image: Medieval marginalia moment: rabbits vs. humans (and the rabbits are winning.)
• In photographs: 150 years of the famous John Lewis store in London.
• Jane Austen goes to war - in World War One.
• The lacquered look in 1930s hair.
• Shakespeare, a boar's head, and pickled herrings.
• Chiswick House and gardens, 1729-31 - eight views by Peter Rysbrack.
• Retro landmark: the giant 1948 Haines Shoe House in Hallam, PA.
• New York's lost, lavish 1895 Proctor's Pleasure Palace.
• St. George: patron saint of manliness.
• Image: Hound & hare: cartoon-like simplicity in 12th c. Church of St. Mary & St. David, Kilpeck, UK.
• A group of chickens can be known as a peep. Really. Discover more unusual collective nouns.
• Noisy neighbors were much the same 500 years ago.
• The double life of American Civil War soldier and spy Emma Edmonds, alias Private Frank Thompson.
• Hmmm...did NYC booksellers really find Shakespeare's annotated dictionary?
• Digitized online: Lettie Lane's Great Grandparents: 1880s paper dolls with 18th c. wardrobes.
• Image: Old London Bridge, c 1758, two years before its demolition.
• What Gilded Youth spent on a wardrobe, 1907.
• Street fighting men: East Indian Company men draw their swords on each other, Bandar Abbas, 1727.
• The desecration of Hopwood Hall, where Byron wrote "Childe Harold."
• Fineable offenses of naughty 18th c. Harvard students. Tsk, tsk.
• Treating measles in 17th c. Britain.
• Debunked: blood on a handkerchief proved not to be that of the executed King Louis XVI.
• To roast a pike: a 1699 recipe.
• Image: Confederate cartoon offering suggestions on how Union officials might deal with rebel female spies, 1861.
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Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I have crawled all over Chiswick House but the paintings were painted from perspectives that the modern tourist doesn't see. Or cannot see. Many thanks.
The author of the Emma Edmonds article claims 1500 women served disguised as men in the Civil War. I wonder where she got that astounding number.
I wondered about that number, too, Karen Anne. Besides, if the were disguised, how would anyone know to count them?
Still, an interesting article...which is why it made the cut. I just choose 'em, I can't explain 'em. :)
I loved seeing the April 17, 1922, newspaper article. It was my mother's fifth birthday. I enjoy your website.
That was such an interesting article about Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter, Rose Lane. I loved that series when I was growing up. I loved the character of Laura. Even though Rose apparently made the books successful with her editing and shaping, I don't think I would have liked her very much as a person.
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