Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Spring! Here's our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, blogs, articles, and images, gathered fresh for you from around the Twitterverse.
• Teensy-weensy 19th c. women's shoes and the ideal of helplessness.
• Eva Gonzales and other female Impressionists in Paris.
• Designing dogs: a pug life.
• The only surviving letter (on stationary) written on board the Titanic the day she sank.
• Image: Preparing matzo for Passover, New York, 1958.
• When physicians give up: Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici's infant convulsion powder.
• From foreign garb to fashion fad: a brief history of pajamas.
• Marie Tussaud, the 18th c. woman behind one of Britain's most popular tourist attractions.
• Naughty money: clippers and coiners in 16th c. England.
• The story behind an extraordinary 1918 photograph of Charlie Chaplin on Wall Street.
• An otter in the guest book of the 6th Duke of Devonshire? One of the interesting things found when cataloguing the Cavendish papers in the Chatsworth archives.
• A lost treasure rediscovered: Faberge egg found after missing for almost 100 years.
• Image: And 18th c. aeriel view of Perry Hall, near Birmingham, by Thomas Shardwell.
• Punishments we used to think were acceptable.
• Captain Edward Smith of the Titanic is seen by a former shipmate - after his death
• The problems of an 18th c. menagerie.
• For National Bookmobile Day: nine fine examples here.
• Image: A gorgeous silk map sampler, embroidered with silk by an unknown maker, England, late 18th c.
• Return to long-forgotten London with these wonderful engravings.
• Born to rule, doomed to die: Sultan Raziya, India's first female monarch.
• Solving the mystery of the 1930s monkey lady.
• Ironclad Apple Duff: exploring recipes from the American Civil War.
• A social history of lipstick.
• A Zanzibar brawl in 1861 included drunken sailors, slave traders, and the British bickering about the French.
• "Wedded bliss": an 1801 wedding in Salem, Massachusetts.
• Saucy spring hats for the ladies and the gents.
• Eighteenth century student life: the unambiguous message in this letter from young Jeremy, at Oxford, to his father: SEND TEA!
• The work of Walter Potter, Victorian Britain's pre-eminent taxidermist, is beautifully creepy.
• Quills, maypoles, and intolerant curates.
• Image: No chocolate or sugar for English Easter eggs in 1918 - just papier mache or straw.
• Beautiful photo portraits of people doing their jobs on the streets of late 19th c. New York.
• Lego power: patched with plastic.
• The case of the closely watched courtesans in 18th c. Paris.
• Rejection letters to the later rich-and-famous.
• Image: 14th c. Easter Bunnies lighting the altar candles.
• Medicinal drinks and Coca-Cola fiends: the toxic history of soda pop.
• A virtual tour of the Harry Elkins Widener Room, honoring Harvard student lost on the Titanic.
• What was "The Hippopotomus" and how was it used at Mount Vernon?
• Image: Sad 18th c. reminder that when you're hot, drink strong or not at all.
• An 18th c. recipe for Orange Chips, made from orange peel.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
The lost Faberge egg is an amazing story. Partially because we have to wonder how a priceless object wasn't identified until very recently. But also because the early history of Faberge eggs may now need to be re-analysed.
I will be coming back to this story again, without doubt. Thanks for the link
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