We're winding up the month of October with a fresh serving of Breakfast Links - our fav links of the week to other blogs, web sites, articles, and images, all gathered for you from around the Twitterverse.
• Traditional Irish Halloween game of snap-apple: trying to bite into a revolving apple on a string - with lit candles.
• Search twenty-seven years of Eleanor Roosevelt's newspaper columns, available in full text on-line.
• A medieval iPad that's also a thousand-year-old time capsule.
• For a fuller bosom, try...butter? Chocolate? Ice-baths? These and other 19th c. bust-increasing solutions.
• See the sites or wander down Pudding Lane in this virtual version of 17th c. London before the Great Fire.
• And if you love the virtual Pudding Lane, then check out virtual St. Paul's, complete with John Donne sermon & audio.
• Alfonso the Slobberer and Ivar the Boneless: worst nicknames for medieval rulers.
• "Red Dress Manor", an eerie abandoned 1725 house that's frozen in time.
• A closer look at a gentleman's 18th c. suit.
• A brief history of that ever-popular word "dude."
• Just in time to inspire: brilliant Halloween costumes inspired by famous paintings.
• The Students' Guide Through Lincoln's Inn, 1805.
• Can you say puffy sleeves? An 1890s cotton dress with plenty of details.
• The lost Billings Mansion, Washington Heights, NYC; Cornelius Billings threw a banquet for millionaires in 1903 at the exclusive Sherry's - with guests on horseback.
• How to achieve the perfect Poe parlor.
• The influence of the Great War on early 20th c. fashion.
• "A pleasant time and a pleasant tomorrow" promises Quaff-Aid, a 1950s hangover remedy.
• The brutal world of the Nelson-era Navy.
• Never too many cooks in the kitchen! What an 18th c. recipe book can tell us about female alliances.
• A map from 1812: back when America was small, Australia was "New Holland", and big chunks of the world seemingly didn't exist.
• Even in 1775, there were armchair generals attempting to call the shots from afar.
• Costumes v. wardrobe: there IS a difference.
• A hedgehog's bladder and hot chocolate - 17th c. cures for children's bed-wetting.
• Delightful site featuring Victorian and Edwardian postcard fantasies of the year 2000.
• In 18th c. London, "mollies" - wearing clothes like these - gathered in inns and public houses to socialize and cross-dress.
• A new naval story for Trafalgar Day and Nelson is only briefly mentioned: Admiral Peter Rainier, defender of British India.
• The perfect Georgian dish (albeit a bit gruesome): "Sheeps head soop."
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Wonderful selection this week ladies. I loved red dress manor... really sent shivers and broke my heart to see a beautiful place in ruins. Wouldn't you love to live there??
Happy HAlloween!
The Alfonso the Slobberer and Ivar the Boneless: worst nicknames for medieval rulers is linking to Charleston Museum.
Sorry about that, Ana - the link is now fixed, and Alfonso is slobbering at the proper place.
The only one I couldn't bring myself to click on was the Sheep's Head Soop...not quite at that point yet ;)
The Red Dress Manor was very haunting. I do home someone sees their way to restoring it.
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