Beat the summer heat and relax with our latest edition of Breakfast Links - our favorite links of the week to other web sites, blogs, videos, articles, and images gather for you from around the Twitterverse.
• Video: Costume & stage designer Jenny Tiramni recreates a fantastic gentleman's outfit from the 16th century.
• Oh, that chance encounter with royalty, with advice from Lady Troubridge, 1939.
• Expensive, nervous, sexual: "I'm a Widow Worth Having" - at least in 1861 song.
• The striped dress that Rosamund Hussey wore in her 1900 portrait.
• A Revolutionary discovery in the stacks at Harvard: Bostonian women among those who signed papers protesting Townsend Acts, 1767.
• Magenta divine: a family history rich with color and dyers.
• Cautionary tales of Spanish Fly: murder, lust, and coffee.
• The Pot & Pineapple and Gunter's: Domenico Negri, Robert Gunter, and the confectioner's art in Georgian London.
• Lady Jane Grey, the nine-days' queen, was pronounced monarch on July 10, 1553.
• "Cave in, boys": a discouraging leaflet aimed at the Confederate defenders of Vicksburg, 1863.
• "To Persons of Foreign Birth: Write Your Soldier Boy in the Language of the United States": WWI poster that is, ironically, in English.
• An elegant yellow chiffon dress, perfect for a summer party in 1932.
• A (slightly) biased view of the French in 1792.
• Who wore it better, Georgian style: three ladies, one gown, all painted by Thomas Hudson.
• A brief history of khaki pants.
• The serpent mourning ring for William Harry Vane, 1st Duke of Cleveland, 1842.
• The hazards of the chamber pot in the Victorian home.
• The Great Gatehouse of Hampton Court Palace.
• "Shall I cry, faint, scream, or go off in hysterics?" Civil War diary of a rebel girl in Louisiana, 1863.
• This week in 1960: Novelist Harper Lee gave America a book for the ages in To Kill a Mockingbird.
• The scandals & bold superhero moves of Revolutionary War heroine Catherine Van Rensselaer Schuyler.
• Twain vs. Cooper, Shaw vs. Shakespeare: the greatest literary takedowns of all time.
• Great 17th c. Dutch image of two very well-dressed gentlemen playing tennis.
• A bride sees her husband's shaving "ghost" while he sleeps, deathly pale, beside her, 1883.
• A sign of gratitude and submission as well as friendship: hand-kissing between early 18th c. men.
• Vignettes from the lost history of 19th c. brothels along the Minneapolis waterfront.
Hungry for more? Follow us on twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily!
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Some really interesting posts here. I especially liked the literary takedowns (bookmarked that) and the story about the shving ghost. How weird!
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