Served up fresh for your weekend delight: our favorite links of the week to other blogs, web sites, photographs, and articles, collected from around the Twitterverse. For even more links (and every day, too), please join us on Twitter: @2nerdyhistgirls.
• An abandoned French mansion slowly deteriorates: Le manoir a la verriere.
• Forget Mad Men! Check out Doris Day's fabulous
wardrobe in Pillow Talk.
• At last to be seen by the public: charming 1803 portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence of Hon. Emily Mary Lamb.
• Festive, summery 18th c stripes: Exotic Garden Tents.
• The oldest man-made object in New York City: a look at Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park.
• Shot, score! Early 18th-19th c images of ice hockey.
• One Woman's Empire: the Adventures of a Bouillon Cube, c 1750
• Joan Crawford, Costumes, and Publicity in Our Dancing Daughters, 1928.
• Figuring out who's who among 18th c celebrities: a cheat-sheet on a fan for the playhouse.
• Glorious photograph of 1914 Peto Water Garden at Buscot Park in Oxfordshire.
• 'Gentle, Civill, Wilde, and Irish": amazing 17th c maps & costumes of Ireland.
• Sex and the Automobile in the Jazz Age.
• How to look after hundreds of leopards at the 500-year-old country house of Knole.
• These early 20th c photos of NYC from the municipal archives are glorious!
• Suffragette hunger strikes, 100 years ago.
• What did Thomas Jefferson's World Sound Like? Recreating the soundscape at Monticello.
• Those ultra-high, eyebrow-free Medieval foreheads & how the ladies of the day got them. (ouch!)
• Sneak peek at a film about restoring the Egyptian Hall at Stowe.
• To the Prince Regent's taste: this council chair must have fit right in at Carlton House.
• For sale: the real life House at Pooh Corner.
• Symbolic and controversial Rainbow Tartan represents more than just the colors of the rainbow.
• Disappearing shopfronts of small businesses in East End of London.
• For a fast food lunch in 1850, you'd have sheep's trotters, hot eels, sherry, or asses milk.
• The contents of an 18th c lady's pocketbook.
• People of the past jumping.
• Hot Historical Guys, Part I: A Boatload of Knowledge, plus the "most handsome 19th c man."
• Hot Historical Guys, Part II: Cutting a dash: considered men of science as 'historical hotties.'
• Why you shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet: How Reddit Caught the Professor who Fooled Wikipedia.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Thanks Loretta and Susan!
Your links are always fascinating. I particularly loved this week's maps of Ireland, I love old maps anyway but the illustrations on these are gorgeous. I always love the historical hotties too. :)
Wonderful collection, ladies! I especially liked the French Mansion, the portable soup queen, and Lying About History. Thanks!
I loved the website that featured Pillow Talk. That was one of my favorite Doris Day movies. That one and That Touch of Mink.
I'm still working my way through today, but I loved the Pillow Talk blog as well. I love that movie and DD was a class act.
The mansion deteriorating is the perfect example why I need to win the lottery. Gorgeous and so sad.
Thanks for linking to me gals!
I look forward every day to your blog. May I point out a pet peeve of mine? "Suffragettes" was a term used by their opponents to belittle these brave women. "Suffragists" is the correct term, denoting the fact that they were appealing for universal suffrage, and old-fashioned term for the right to vote. Thanks for this wonderful site. May it last for a long, long time!
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