Served up fresh for your weekend delight: our favorite links of the week to other blogs, web sites, photographs, and articles, collected from around the Twitterverse.
• Shawl dresses & dresses made from shawls 1800-1815.
• Do Newgate Prison cells survive under a nearby pub? Um...probably not.
• Qualifications to lead Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee procession, 1897: height. The dashing Capt. Oswald Ames: 6'8 3/4".
• Stunningly gorgeous: looking at a sumptuous Regency carriage interior.
• From Susan Sontag to Dorothy Parker: what it cost 8 successful female writers to make it in NYC.
• London's smallest statue.
• P.T. Barnum's astounding 19th c museum in NYC was not merely a freak show.
• Lovely embroidered bodice, c 1905.
• Do you doodle during meetings? This doodle from a boring 1850 meeting became the Crystal Palace.
• Fascinating use of technology to highlight collections at Detroit Institute of Art.
• The cast iron Victorian conservatory at the Horniman Museum.
• The criss-cross rewrites are astonishing: a page from Lord Byron's Don Juan manuscript.
• Queen Anne Boleyn was arrested this week, 1536: an account of her fall by Spanish ambassador Eustace Chapuys.
• Photo of handsome young Lionel Logue (remember the speech therapist from The King's Speech?)
• Mr. Punch celebrates 350 years of puppet anarchy.
• A traditional Yankee cake: donuts. An 18th c recipe plus modern interpretation from Colonial Williamsburg's cooks.
• Thoughts on early garages & chauffeurs (how very Downton Abbey.)
• Mini-slideshow for a Sunday: Lincoln Cathedral.
• Thoroughly wonderful 18th c trade cards of old London.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Though we have a terrible name, I'm still proud of the wonderful things in Detroit such as the DIA, The Henry Ford, the Symphony, etc. Unfortunately, people who don't live here never see the beauty and all of the truly amazing things we have to offer.
I wonder how many people who live there take the Lincoln Cathedral, which is a marvel really, for granted.
WOW! Logue was a very handsome young man! I think that's the first picture I've seen of him.
I have to wonder how Byron ever kept track of anything on that page. To me, it's a total mess but I imagine he had some method there.
Thanks for another great list of links to peruse. I'm not done yet, but then again, my pot of coffee isn't gone either ;o)
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