Loretta reports:
You might want to take another look at the fashions I showed earlier in the month to compare & contrast. Thirteen years later, we might as well be on a different planet. And, of course, there’s the hair . . .
A Dress of pink satin, trimmed with a broad puckering of tulle, or gauze, round the border of the skirt; on which are laid pink satin leaves, edged round with a narrow black rouleau. Body made plain, and low; round the tucker part of the dress is a row of Spanish points, edged with a quilling of white blond, or tulle. Head-dress formed of long puffs of gauze of saffron-colour, and white gossamer aigrettes. Ear-rings and necklace of pearls, the latter elegantly set in delicate festoons; and in front of the hair is a superb jewellery ornament, in the diadem style, consisting of large pearls, surrounded by filagree, and finely-wrought gold.
A Dress of painted Indian taffety, with a full broad fluting of white tulle at the border, crossed over in treillage work, by rouleaux of white satin, edged on one side with blue and yellow satin, narrower rouleaux; one, very broad, and wadded, conceals the hem next the shoe. The body is à la Circassienne; and where the drapery across the bust is partially left open, before it wraps over, is a chemisette tucker of Japanese gauze, edged with narrow blond. The sleeves are short, and very full; rather confined in the middle by a row of diamonds, the same as those formed by the treillage work on the fluted border. The hair is arranged in full curls on each side the face, with a bow on the summit formed of three puffs of hair, which are very highly elevated. At the base of this bow, is a coronet ornament of white and gold enamel. The ear-pendants are à I'antique, en girandoles; and are composed of three drops in rubies: the necklace is formed of three rows of pearls and rubies intermingled, with three valuable drop-rubies in the centre. Bracelets of dark hair, and cameos, worn over the gloves.
—La Belle Assemblée, 1828
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I prefer the umpire cut of the other dresses. They were more beautiful because of the simple lines and exquisite attention to detail. It is amazing how in just a few years time dress can change dramatically.
Hello ladies, I love your blog, so glat to have found it! How long has it been up?
I look forward to keeping up with your delightful site!
@Melissa, I never understood why they'd give up the freedom of the other style.
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