With the first two episodes of Downton Abbey now broadcast on Masterpiece Theatre (and also already available on DVD
The home of the Carnavon family since 1679, the present castle is at least the third house to take advantage of the stunning location, a 6,000 acre estate in rural Berkshire. In 1839, the third Earl of Carnavon hired architect Sir Charles Barry to create a massive new home in the very latest style, known variously as English Renaissance Revival, or High Elizabethan. Barry knew all about grandeur – his most famous project was the Palace of Westminster, aka the Houses of Parliament – and he freely blended elements from architectural history for maximum impact in his design. Neither the third earl nor Sir Charles lived to see the house completed, and it wasn't until 1878, after nearly forty years of construction, that the fourth earl was finally able to declare Highclere Castle finished.
Yet like every noble hero, the Castle has weathered its share of drama. The fifth Earl of Carnavon and archaeologist Howard Carter famously discovered Tutankhamun's Tomb in 1922, and when the earl returned home with a priceless collection of Egyptian treasures, it was whispered that he'd brought the curse of the pharaoh back to Highclere, too. The Castle served as a hospital during World War I, and a home for evacuee children during World War II. More recently, it's become a popular site for destination and celebrity weddings, and has appeared as a setting in other films besides Downton Abbey.
But the economy that could support a massive Victorian estate has long vanished. The Castle's current owners, the eighth Earl and Countess of Carnavon, are open about the challenges facing their home, and the decay is as heartbreaking as it is staggering. (See here for pictures.) This is no simple contractor's trip to Home Depot; estimates for essential repairs are nearly £12 million.
While the fictional Downton Abbey could be rescued through an infusion of money from an American robber-baron's daughter, a modern suitor is much less appealing. Composer Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber has made an unsolicited offer of £100 million to buy Highclere and convert it into a museum to house his art collection. The Earl and Countess swiftly and pointedly rebuffed him ("We are not selling up to some rich man.") Instead they have applied for permission to develop a small portion of the estate for houses, a request that simultaneously has natural preservationists up in arms, while others with equally decaying historic estates watch closely for a precedent. (More about the controversy here.)
All of which we romantic Americans should probably consider as we watch Downton Abbey and wish we lived in the Castle. Ahh, it's not easy being grand....
See here for Highclere Castle's official website, with more photos, history, and information – including, if you're truly fortunate, arranging a wedding.
I strongly recommend to everyone that, after looking at the pictures of Highclere's sad and shocking state of disrepair, you read the posted comments. It's obvious that the British are of two minds when it comes to the price tag for saving the buildings and estate.
This is tragic. Without support, these magnificent old homes will be lost forever.I read somewhere that an American publisher has just paid millions for the rights to issue a series of Downton Abbey books. Wouldn't it be nice if some of that money was shared, and went to restoring the house?
This is so sad! If they could at least clean the place up and maybe not worry about the furnishings. Decorate it later. Turn it into a spa/retreat maybe?
Wasn't last night's episode excellent? Can't believe what happened.
This attitude is common in America as well. Here in Virginia, Walmart is attempting to overturn preservation sanctions and build a store on a Civil War battlefield. They'll probably win. Most people in the area would rather have the store, and don't give a damn that their ancestors fought and died there. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. Good luck to the earl in saving his home!
If tradition follows, many more paying visitors will come to the house as fans of Downton Abbey.
Good lord. I can't believe that building on an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is even being considered. You've had a good offer, sell! Obviously, its different in the US, but over here here are many, many country houses (albeit not on this scale). I simply have no time for an over-privileged aristocrat that doesn't want to cut his coat to fit his cloth.
What a shame! Once lost, these great country houses are lost forever. Speaking only for myself, these homes are national treasures and should be preserved if at all possible. At least Andrew Lloyd-Webber could afford to have the whole thing restored.
So sad, but I agree with the Devoted Classicist that perhaps more people will visit because of Downton Abbey. They should really put together an exhibition based on the series, with costumes etc. as well as on Tutankamen.
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