Breakfast Links are served - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images via Twitter.
• Sex, drugs, and poetry: Renaissance writers were the original rockstars.
• The unrivaled beauty of the hand-held fan.
• George IV's sisters and their Oriental fantasies.
• Easter Sunday, 1939: When Marian Anderson sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC.
• It's taken 30 years, but the restoration of the State Bedroom at Kedleston Hall is finally, beautifully finished.
• Image: F.Scott Fitzgerald's handwritten notes for The Great Gatsby, published in 1925.
• Historical photographs of women pioneers in medicine.
• The wages of a servant at Chatsworth.
• The persistent "fake news" that haunted George Washington.
• A 400-year-old recipe for rose cakes.
• Gowland's Lotion, a popular 18th-19thc medical remedy mentioned by Jane Austen, contained mercury.
• Making history: 2nd Lt. Lillian Polatchek is the first female Marine Tank Officer.
• A room with a loo - a potted history of the British bathroom.
• Image: A spirited spotted-pony unicorn from a fruit crate label, c1925-40
• The first coffee house opened in London in 1652, but the phenomenon took off during the 18thc.
• The 1898 Bloomingdale Branch Library in New York City had low windows to lure youths who "did not care to be outdone" by kids reading inside.
• Did the Victorians really get brain fever?
• Going down the rabbit hole: the surprisingly complex symbolism of rabbits in British art.
• Image: Woman selling Irish lace on board the Titanic.
• Codex rotundus: a 15thc miniature manuscript in a circular form.
• Friends, family, and rivals: Queen Victoria and the European empires.
• New research reunites a 1758 London Foundling Hospital token with the identity of its infant owner.
• Fame, fortune, fire, and brimstone: the legend of Jonathan Moulton.
• Why there are many small memorials in New York City to those who perished with the Titanic, but no large one.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
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