Breakfast Links are served - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images via Twitter.
• How London's Foundling Hospital defied "gruel stereotypes."
• A 2,000 year old canister of ancient Roman face cream, including the finger marks of the user.
• Emily Brontë's homely life.
• Shades of Victorian fashion: lilacs, lavenders, plums, and purples.
• Black women, slavery, and the silences of the past.
• Image: Lovely, evocative autochrome photograph taken in Longwood Gardens, 1915.
• Male midwives and disobedient women in 18thc Britain.
• Ann Mead: the life and death of a teenaged nursemaid, 1800.
• Ominous illustrations of ventilation, 1869.
• Boston's Rat Day, 1917.
• Is this note passed between the lines at the Battle of Antietam stained with Civil War blood?
• Image: Skilled needleworker Mary, Queen of Scots, embroidered this cat.
• George Washington's "racy" letter about a donkey goes on sale.
• Signs of old London.
• Designer Ann Lowe: how a little-known black pioneer changed fashion forever.
• Dance card from 1924 for an engineers' dance - check out the names of the dances!
• Famous illustrators depicting knitters and knitting - and here are some vintage photos of knitters, too.
• Image: Appalling early 20thc anti-suffragette poster.
• Before George Washington became a general or a president, he tried his hand at poetry, with mixed results.
• In search of the lost mosque of Kew Gardens.
• A 1950s version of Yelp? The Gustavademecum, a NYC dining guide for engineers and explorers.
• The beautiful English romantic painting of Samuel Palmer.
• Image: Little Egyptian faience model of a hedgehog, made around 1300-1500 BC.
• Following the geometry of fire in the National Archives.
• The lighter side of 15thc magic.
• Monuments to some of the world's most pawsome cats.
• The history of the rural cemetery movement, which brought Victorians to picnic among the gravestones.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Could you please not list articles behind paywalls? NYT and Financial Times (whoever the bleep they are) are pay to read only. :(
Otherwise, good list as always. Sorry to be a complainer.
Tegan - Argh! I'm sorry - I try not to do that, because I find the paywalls irritating too. The WSJ is like that as well. Often the direct link via Twitter works and lulls me into false complacency, but then they throw up the paywall if the link is copied. I'll try to be more vigilant!
The link lists are wonderful and it's useful to know what's being published even if behind a paywall. Might just a parenthetical warning after the link--"(paywall)"--let readers know they can't get there from here? Thanks for this blog! It's terrific.
I like the list but I have to say that Mary Queen of Scots was NOT a skilled needlework. She was pretty bad really which doesn't mean that she didn't enjoy stitching. This really hit me while I was studying her work at the V & A and at Oxburgh Hall this summer. By the way, did you know that money left to the National Trust by the mystery writer and playwright Josephine Tey paid for the restoration of the entrance tower at Oxburgh.
Linda - the info about Josephine Tey is wonderful. THank you!
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