For your weekend reading and browsing - our weekly round-up of fav links to other web sites, blogs, articles, and images via Twitter.
• When flirtation cards were all the rage.
• Archives of desire: a lavender reading of J.Edgar Hoover.
• Now available to explore online: Richard Horwood's wonderfully detailed map of London, 1792-1799.
• Yes, mainstream Americans were eating and enjoying sushi in 1905.
• The success of sweet smells: fascinating look at the golden age of perfumery.
• Image: Memorial scroll for a WWI nurse who died in 1915, returned "undelivered" because she had "no next of kin and no friends."
• Were the illegitimate children of Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson secretly baptised in 1803?
• London's Ward of Bridge and Bridge Without: Magnus, the monument, and mice eating cheese.
• A short history of confetti.
• Silk roads: mapping Federal Boston at Mrs. Rowson's Young Ladies Academy.
• An unexpected architectural feature: spider-web windows.
• Image: Fantastic 19thc patchwork quilt made by three Welsh sisters.
• Shawls and wraps in 19thc. art, literature, and fashion history.
• Debunking a favorite food history myth: ice cream was invented by Dolley Madison...or was it Martha Washington?
• John F. Kennedy's PT-109 gold tie clip, and the story behind it.
• Before emails, letters from artists could be the best: one from Andrew Wyeth in 1969 with a pailful of blueberries.
• The fantastic swimming pools designed by architect Julia Morgan (1872-1957).
• Image: Who knew that astronaut Buzz Aldrin had to fill out a travel voucher for his trip to the moon?
• Ten of England's most beautiful and historical synagogues.
• New discoveries at Jamestown provide fresh insights into the lives of the early settlers of the first permanent English colony in America.
• "One and twenty daft days" in 1822: King George IV visits Scotland.
Image: Correct flapper posture in 1928.
• Toast water! Could the next foodie trend be coming straight from Mrs. Beeton's Victorian cookery?
• Scribbling the same as mere mortals: Sir Isaac Newton's college notebook.
• A newly discovered manuscript reveals what Thoreau learned about Margaret Fuller's tragic drowning.
• The philanthropic cat, 1823
• Blue Anchor Corner, home to one of Britain's most secretive organizations for smuggling in the 18th-19thc.
• Image: Loving this news story: "Thrashed by a Lady Cyclist."
• Study of an 1860 summer day dress.
• "It preserveth in vigour the principal faculties, enabling men to prosecute their Studies and tedious exercises": the uses of chocolate, 1672.
• The craze for Turkish baths in Victorian Ireland.
• Image: This daguerreotype from 1839 could be the oldest photograph of London.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
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