Out of the cold and into the Breakfast Links! Our weekly round-up of fav links to other blogs, websites, articles, and images via Twitter.
• Whip it! Valentine's Day custom in 19th c. NY involved public displays of flirtatious flagellation.
• A personal touch: the wedding shoes of a New England bridegroom, 1819.
• William Wynne Ryland, hanged for forgery, 1783.
• The conservation of Marie-Antoinette's chair.
• Lizards and lettuces: ancient Greek and Roman aphrodisiacs.
• To shill a mockingbird: how a manuscript's discovery became Harper Lee's "new" novel.
• Dreaming of the past and 19th c. whitework, embroidery patterns, and wedding shoes.
• Image: Time to harness up the sleigh again - 18th c. sleigh from Amsterdam.
• A New York Public Librarian discovers the secret history of a novel by investigating its watermark.
• Darling, can you spare a dime? How the Victorians fell in love with pocket change.
• The surprisingly raucous private life of the Madisons, a first family that kept their true selves for friends only.
• Mardi Gras in New Orleans: How an All-American celebration evolved from Old World carnivals.
• Ten abandoned lighthouses with strange and tragic histories.
• The letter than President Harry Truman didn't send to Senator Joe McCarthy (but should have!)
• What Jackie Kennedy liked to eat: menus from her French chef during the White House years, 1960-1963.
• Image: The tiny hippocamp on this 2nd c. Roman ring is smiling.
• Edward Dando, the celebrated 18th c. oyster-eater.
• Six reasons why France should salute the Duke of Wellington.
• Manufactured in Chelsea.
• Queen Victoria's treasure: the musket-ball that killed Admiral Lord Nelson.
• Possible Anne Boleyn portrait found using facial recognition software.
• Controversial restoration of Chartres Cathedral's interiors.
• Image: The masts of HMS Trincomalee dominate Hartlepool's historic quay.
• Thomas Barnes, late 19th c. photographer of London's East End.
• "Imprudent acts and great bastards": 19th c. sex tips.
• Historic knitting pattern: "Knitting steering gloves for our soldiers", 1915.
• Sir Thomas Thyrwitt: a man, a dream, and a prison in the wilderness of Dartmoor.
• All's fair in love and classified ads: three centuries of public spouse shaming.
• "Great care is required when handling poisonous snakes": sage advice from India regarding snakes, 1877.
• Image: Crowded omnibus ride in London, 1865.
• Marilyn Monroe and Max Factor: the business of looking good.
• Possible Anne Boleyn portrait found using facial recognition software.
• Flipping open this early 20th c. U.S. Mailbag reveals a disturbing reality about segregation.
• Because you didn't know it was there: Tumblr proving the invisible connection between hop-hop and art before 1600.
• Just for fun: video showing what happens when historical costumers meet modern cars.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter at @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
I could not agree more with the letter than President Harry Truman wrote to Senator Joe McCarthy. It absolutely should have been sent, then copied for every other politician and newspaper in the country.
So how do we know it was real? And why oh why, if it was real, was it not sent?
I've been an avid reader of your Breakfast Links for the few years now, and I thoroughly enjoy each week's installation. However, this week Links was one of my all-time favourite compilations. Thank you!
Great links this week and I have to say, the last video was great! I giggled through the whole thing. Been there, done that...
I agree that the letter to McCarthy should've been sent. Disgustingly, then as now, rabid hatemongers are treated with kid gloves lest they turn and attack whoever comes to their attention.
"Poisonous snakes should be handled with great care." Really? How many bites did it take for some genius to come to THAT conclusion?
As always, a wonderful batch of fun on this week's Breakfast Links. Thank you for compiling them.
Thank you for highlighting that lovely ring from our Greek and Roman art collection!
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