We're back after our short break with a big serving of breakfast links - our weekly roundup of fav links to other web sites, articles, blogs, and images.
• Laboring language: the ever-changing vocabulary of childbirth.
• The power of conscience in the exemplified in the genuine and extraordinary confession of Thomas Bedworth, 1815.
• How to sell a wife, 1787.
• Wonderful illustrations from Cruikshank's London Almanack, 1835.
• Spring houses, keeping things cool in 19th c. America.
• Carpenter, Clark, Chapman, Parker...a history of surnames and what they mean.
• Delicious! 18th c. recipes for lemon creams.
• Rich hangings in a humble house: wonderful photos from the 16th c. at the open-air Weald and Downland museum, West Sussex.
• Mrs. McCulloch's pictures.
• Now-questionable fashion tips from The Woman's Dress for Success Book, 1977.
• "Waterloo teeth": how 19th c. smiles might be filled with dead men's teeth.
• "Why does an S look like an F?": a beginner's guide to reading early modern texts.
• What on-line dating looked like in 1880.
• Beautiful block gingerbread.
• Intriguing fashion history "Who Wore It Better?" separated by 200 years.
• A map of vice in San Francisco's Chinatown, 1885.
• Separating the fact from the myth: Peter Francisco, epic super-hero of the American Revolution.
• Forgotten by history: royal babies you've never heard of.
• Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) and his scientific library at Chatsworth.
• A fashionable bath-house for sea bathing, 1893.
• From the proceedings of the Old Bailey, London: the trial of two smugglers who went by the collective name of 'Poison', 1747.
• Sin and scandal: the Langworthy case of 1887.
• Sea-wives, widow's walks, and the whaling life in 19th c. America.
• An 18th c. condom sold at Christie's, decorated with a "fraught sexual encounter."
• An exuberant 1880s bustle.
• Parch marks in the ground caused by heat wave reveal ghostly outlines of long-lost outbuildings surrounding 16th c. mansion. More examples here at Montacute House.
• If you're of a Certain Age (or have kids that age): the legend of the Oregon Trail, a pioneering educational video game.
• The complicated history of Rufford Abbey.
• A well-meaning NYC churchwoman in 1897 takes groups of boys to the country for fresh air - but forgets to tell their parents.
• The 10th c. sisters of Anglo-Saxon King Aethelstan.
• Business or charity? Why did African-American cook Malinda Russell publish a cookbook in 1866?
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Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
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