There's always a wealth of goodies in our Breakfast Links - our weekly round-up of fav links to other blogs, articles, and web sites, gathered for you from around the Twitterverse.
• Murderabilia for English society ladies, 1910.
• Daffy's Elixer, an 'elixir salutis' & 18th-19th c. cure for colds, fevers, & stomach complaints.
• Waltzing with Eisenhower: a collection of West Point dance cards, 1915.
• American Shakers under Lucy Wright, 1760-1821.
• "Wear your own secret heart code!" Ad campaign for Lady Alice shirts, 1943.
• Digital mapping project at Stanford University reveals social networks of 18th c. Grand Tour travelers.
• Did people in the Middle Ages take baths?
• How attractive are you to the opposite sex? Esquire magazine's 1949 questionnaire of sexisms.
• Advice to a niece on her wedding, from Anne Stockton, wife of Declaration of Independence signer Richard Stockton.
• The Victorian Batman who crash-landed in Chelsea.
• Suffrage diary of Kate Parry Frye (1878-1959.)
• The Science of Self-Defense for Girls & Women, 1929, digitized book at Hawaii Karate Museum.
• Early reports of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in British newspapers, 1865.
• It never changes for writers: the disappointing sales of Walter Scott's poem Rokeby, 1813.
• True Hollywood glamour by Irene, both on and off the screen, 1930s-40s.
• A scene on the main deck, 1824.
• An anti-love potion, 1913.
• The now-forgotten Edinburgh International Exhibition of 1886.
• On April 19, 1775, Minute Men stood guard at the Old North Bridge.
• The habits of cats: image from a 13th c. bestiary.
• History myth or truth? 'Your name is mud' insult comes from doctor who treated Lincoln's assassin.
• What was the truth about the madness of George III?
• Vintage visions of Pennsylvania Station, NYC, in its heyday before Madison Square Garden.
• Who was Madame Tussaud?
• Taking care of a gentleman's clothes, 1827.
• Blood, sweat, & steel: an afternoon with the Ace of Swords.
• Pain and pearl cordials: 17th c. women and miscarriage.
• The British plan to burn Harvard College, 1775.
• "Women who fly": women in early 20th c. aviation.
• Album of rare photos of actress Lillie Langtry, mistress to Edward VII. More about Lillie/Lily.
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Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
The "Pain and pearl cordials: 17th c. women and miscarriage" link is missing.
The Grand Tour project is really interesting to me because I've always thought it would be amazing if someone made a social network chart for the Serbian writers and intelectuals of the 19th century, or those of the period between the WW1 and WW2.
Sorry about the missing link - and thank you, Ana, for spotting it. It's in place now.
Yes, I thought the Grand Tour project was fascinating too. I agree that it has lots of potential for tracking other groups - such as the Serbian writers & intellectuals that you mentioned - as well.
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