Susan & Loretta reporting:
By now you've probably realized that we are historically obsessed, and it often takes a bit of prodding to get us to think of the present-day. Thus we are quite proud to announce that we've taken another bold step (for us, mind you): the Two Nerdy History Girls are now on Twitter as 2NerdyHistGirls, with even more news, links, gossip, and, of course, history.
To become a follower, simply click on the little bird in the column to the right. We hope you'll join us!
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Done! Welcome to Twitter!
tweet bird malfunctioning for me. I feel so unloved:-(
Oh, no! Not Anonymous and Unloved! Sorry that the bird didn't link - try the "2nerdyhistgirls" beside the bird. That seemed to work just now. At least now I know why that bird looks so cranky!
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