Loretta reports:
From The Every-day Book; or, Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, etc. 1827, by William Hone
April 6.
1348. Laura de Noves died. She was born in 1304, and is celebrated for having been beloved by Petrarch, and for having returned his passion by indifference. He fostered his love at Vaucluse, a romantic spot, wherein he had nothing to employ him but recollection of her charms, and imagination of her perfections. These he immortalized in sonnets while she lived; Petrarch survived her six and thirty years.
Francis I., who compared a court without ladies to a spring without flowers, caused Laura's tomb to be opened, and threw verses upon her remains complimentary to her beauty, and the fame she derived from her lover's praises.
1803. Colonel Montgomery and captain Macnamara quarrelled and fought a duel at Primrose-hill, because their dogs quarrelled and fought in Hyde-park. Captain Macnamara received colonel Montgomery's ball in the hip, and colonel Montgomery received captain Macnamara's ball in the heart. This exchange of shots being according to the laws of duelling and projectiles, Colonel Montgomery died on the spot. Captain Macnamara was tried at the Old Bailey, and, as a man of honour, was acquitted by a jury of men of honour. The laws of England and the laws of christianity only bind honourable men; men of honour govern each other by the superior power of sword and pistol. The humble suicide is buried with ignominy in a cross road, and a finger-post marks his grave for public scorn; the proud and daring duellist reposes in a christian grave beneath marble, proud and daring as himself.
Starch Hyacinth. Hyacinthus racemosus.
Dedicated to St. Sixtus I.
Above: Portrait of Petrarch's Laura, in the Laurentian Library, Florence
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
Oh I do love the distinction between "honourable men" and "men of honour."
As if dueling wasn't one of the dumbest, most wasteful man-things ever----!
I'd much rather celebrate Old Lady Day. Any idea how?
Petrarch's sonnets for Laura are some of the most beautiful poems ever written, especially in their original Italian. I'd much rather reread them today in her honor than think of those two fools shooting one another over their dogs.
My birthday is April 6, and I turned 44. Old Lady Day? I love it!
Yes, please, explain Old Lady Day further. This would be interesting to know!
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