Sunday, July 29, 2012

A New Book – plus a Bit of Personal History

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Isabella/Susan reporting:

This week (Tuesday) is the publication day for WHEN YOU WISH UPON A DUKE, my first historical romance written as Isabella Bradford for Ballantine/Random House. For international readers often stymied by Amazon's downloads, the book will also be published as an ebook in the UK by Headline. I'll be sharing more about the Duke of Marchbourne and his arranged bride Lady Charlotte Wylder (and the history that inspired them) all this week.

But first, a bit of personal history. Regular readers will have noticed that Loretta's been doing all the heavy-lifting here for the last ten days or so, and that I've been MIA on Pinterest, FB, and Twitter as well. I wish I could tell you I'd been lolling on some holiday-isle, but alas, that wasn't the case. On Friday, July 20, I was settling down to write. My husband and daughter were off to see Dark Knight, and I was looking forward to a good, quiet, productive afternoon. I was feeling a little 'off', but that was easily blamed on the usual writer combo of too much caffeine and too little sleep. What else is new?

But that off-ness abruptly changed to nausea and vomiting, and when my family returned from the movie, I sent my husband off to the drug store for an OTC remedy. Fifteen minutes later, he found me passed out on the floor, and called 911. I can only remember weird fragments from the rest of the day - the tension in the curt voices around me in the Emergency Room, my daughter crying, the blood-draws and IV's - and how much everything just plain hurt. Turned out I had a double-whammy of acute pancreatitis and cholecystitis, completely out of the blue and with no prior history or warnings.

By all reports, I nearly died.

I spent the next eight days in the hospital, looked after by an amazing team of nurses and doctors. I'm home now, at last, though only long enough to beef myself up to have my gall bladder removed. The surgeon is welcome to it. I've been assured that when all this is done, I'll once again be my usual rude-animal-health-self. The old adage promises that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I'm looking forward to becoming one awesome, improved model. 

Now, about the Duke of Marchbourne. . . .


Ana said...

My thoughts are with you.

Marg said...

Oh my goodness. So glad that you are okay!

mary said...

Oh, Susan! What an ordeal! Thanks to Loretta for filling in. Both of you, please take good care of yourselves!

Vintage Maison said...

Well, that explains all! You poor thing - the only way now is up! Get well very soon, and sending best wishes to you both.

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker wishing you well! Don't overdo things.

Janet said...

Get well soon!

Rebecca L said...

Susan, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My sister had her gall bladder out and she felt a lot better after it was finally out. Feel better soon.
Rebecca Lewis (a fan of this website)

Anonymous said...

Susan, Glad you are feeling better. Take care.
Another Susan

Maria said...

Wow, scary! Glad you're on the way to health again.

Vinery said...

Wishing you a quick return to rude-animal health! Good luck with the new book.

Thanks to Loretta for filling in and best wishes to both of you.

Ingenious Jewellery said...
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Susan Bailey said...

Wow, quite a scare! So glad you're going to be alright.

Anonymous said...

Having lived through that and more with my husband, you have my understanding and best wishes for returned good health!

gio said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, what an ordeal! Take care and get well soon!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Oh, Susan! How scary! So glad you're feeling better, and hope getting that pesky gallbladder out sets you very quickly on the path to restored health.

Anonymous said...

What a frightening experience for your family and you. How easy it is to go from being on top of the world to feeling your buried under it. My best wishes for your good health. A friend recently had her gall bladder out -- 3 small incisions on her abdomen. The anesthesia bothered her for more days than the surgery. Scary how it came upon you so suddenly.
Get better soon as we selfishly want to keep reading all your interesting blogs.

Cheryl Leigh said...

I'm glad you are on the mend, Susan! Such a scary ordeal! You won't miss your gall bladder at all and these days the op is a lot easier on the patient. ;)

I'm SO looking forward to your new book. Can't wait to read it!

Take care of yourself and best wishes for a return to good health soon.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

So sorry you had to go all through that! Please do rest and take it easy and let your body heal. Hope you will be well again soon. Sending good thoughts your way.

Donna Seger said...

So sorry you had to go through that and wishing you a very speedy recovery. I hope everyone around you is spoiling you terribly!

Margaret Porter said...

Susan, I'm so sorry to hear this--what a scare for everyone! I wish you a speedy return to your typical good health, and may Isabella's new release enjoy fanstastic sales!

Fizz said...

So glad you're on the way to a speedy recovery. I dare say that your hubby can live with out going thru that again!
Be Well

Anonymous said...

Acute cholecystitis - oh, I have been there and you have my sympathies. And now I can spell "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy". :-)

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Myralee Voots said...

I am so glad you are recovering! Please get well soon, and stay well! I love your blog, both of you women, and feel like a distant friend. No more horror stories, just history!

DEB said...

oh dear, oh dear, please feel better soon, and msy your surgery be uncomplicated....

Lil said...

Sounds absolutely terrifying for you and for your family. Best wishes to all of you.

Jolene Rae Harrington said...

How dreadful for you! Thank goodness for your loving family. Congratulations on the new book, and take some time for yourself. You deserve it! (I recall the few months before my own gallbladder surgery being hell. You really will feel better soon!)

Lynn said...

Best wishes for feeling better soon!!

Isabella Bradford/Susan Holloway Scott said...

Many, many thanks to you all for the good vibes & wishes - you can't begin to know how much every one of them means to me! :)

Limecello said...

Oh my gosh, Susan! (Isabella? Which do you prefer?) I'm so so glad you're okay - or at least home now. Take care of yourself!!
And congratulations on your new release - I absolutely adored When You Wish Upon a Duke.

nightsmusic said...

So, SO glad you're okay! Trust me, you'll feel so much better when your gall bladder is out and how you didn't realize how bad you were feeling until you feel good again once it's gone. And if that's not the most convoluted sentence I've ever typed...

Just happy to see you back :)

ChristyEnglish said...

Susan, I am so sorry you were so ill! I am thinking of you, as we all are.

Isobel Carr said...

OMG, so glad to hear you're ok!

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Oh my!! Here's to your quick recovery...

Jenny Girl said...

Thank goodness you are on the mend! I am so sorry to hear about this. Get nice and strong so they they taking that offending organ out. The nerve of your gallbladder.
Good thoughts your way.

Katy Cooper said...

Ack! Here's hoping with my whole heart that your recovery from surgery is as speedy as the arrival of your illness!

jeadorehistory said...

Dear Susan,
I have been out of the country for three weeks and missed my favorite blog. What a surprise for me to read about your health escapade and what a surprise for you to experience it.

I am so very glad you are recovering and getting ready to get rid of that pesky gall bladder.
Buckets of well wishes are sent your way.

A most faithful reader and respecter of your talents,

Rita Watts said...

I am glad you're back!!! I already have had my gallbladder removed and it will be a piece of cake after all you've been through. The only discomfort is the belly full of air (apparently they blow air into your abdominal cavity to better perform the surgery) but it goes away in a few days.

I love your blog and your pinterest. Jane Austen has been dear to me for many years but I only recently discovered all that is available online about her and how many wonderful people are dedicated to her work and world. I found out about JASNA and the JAFF world last December when I joined JASNA - GA for a Tea Party to celebrate her birthday. A couple months later I decided to put together a page on facebook to collect all my favorite things about Jane Austen and period dramas. A friend of mine convinced me to go public and now I have more than 400 likes. It would be an honour if you stopped by to take a look while you are recovering. It's is a visual sort of blog, a collection of sorts. The photos are divided in albums so a newbie can get some idea about what else is out there (so they don't feel overwhelmed like I did). I have just started so there is too much to do. I appreciate so much the work you guys do.

Love and well wishes,


Rita Watts said...

Oooops...forgot to leave the page address...

Marti said...

Good luck Susan!

Carey said...

How scary. Get well soon.

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