Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breakfast Links: Week of October 31, 2011

Served up fresh for you, our weekly offering of Breakfast Links: our favorite links to other blogs, web sites, pictures, and articles, all collected for you from around the Twitterverse.
Halloween celebrations in Gilded Age America:
Bonny Bobby Shafto
Meet the 18th century book-keeper with a secret obsession:
Looking at how Sir Robert Shirley bridged cultures (and dressed accordingly) in the early 17th c:
NYC's famous (& infamous) 1883 Chelsea Hotel, known for residents as well as architecture:
Here be dragons: British Library manuscripts app details how to be king
Early 1920s swimsuits: Swimwear and the Sporting Life
Westminster doors galore: The green one….no, the red one…you choose. I'm really not sure -
Poster advertising the Royal Menagerie at the Tower of London, 1834:
Ladies Accomplishments: A Late 18th-Century Paper Filigree Work Cabinet
Early Music Online: 300 of earliest surviving printed, digitized from the British Library’s copies:
Holding history in my hands: how an 1855 ambrotype can inform fashion history:
William of Orange was born on 4 November 1650 in an atmosphere of funeral gloom. Why?
'Caroline Crachami, the 19th c "Sicilian Fairy"' -
Capturing your garden and your family: English Landscape & Portraitist Arthur Devis 1712-1787: 
Mummification, ritual vessels, floral adornment: discover fascinating details of Tutankhamun's funeral:
This breaks my heart: Goodbye at Pennsylvania Station, 1944 -
Though they originated in China, it was in Europe that fireworks flourished:
Racine overwhelmed by full inbox. OMG! Twitter in 17th century? 
Marvelous profile of 18th c house in Whitechapel - AND it's for sale! ::sigh:: 
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring, 1898


  1. Every week I enjoy these links (as well as your other posts), and it's time to say "thank you" for making Sunday mornings a treat. I am amazed that you took the time and trouble to produce this weeks links after all the disruption caused by the storm. It's much appreciated.

  2. You do have some of the bestest links! Could I request that you make them open in a new tab? That way I could get through them more easily. Thanks for a great blog!

  3. Love the breakfast links!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. Shelley,

    It must be your browser settings because all of the links open in new tabs for me. If you're using IE, that's probably your problem as that feature doesn't work unless it wants to.

    I LOVE the house in Whitechapel but holy crow, what a price tag! The goodbyes were so sad. I noticed how much chinchilla there was then though.

    You have the best links!

  5. Many thanks for your kind words - which I'll in turn share with the other writers and historians who so generously share their work by way of blogs, web sites, and Twitter. The internet is an endless marvel of information, isn't it? :)

    Shelley, I'm afraid I don't have control of the opening-tab feature. The links will open in the manner your browser decides. Poke around in your settings - you can probably find the option there, as Nightsmusic suggests.

  6. Hello, I'm a new reader here and am enjoying my first visit. Can you tell us where the lovely painting that accompanies this post is from?

  7. Oops! Just saw the info at the end of your post. I'm off to research the artist.


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