Thursday, November 3, 2011

500 Years of Women's Portraits in Western Art - in Three Minutes

Susan reporting:

This video isn't new (it's nearly five years old, an eternity on the internet), but it's still quite marvelous, and well worth another visit. Beautiful paintings, amazing computer editing, Bach's Sarabande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major performed by Yo-Yo Ma: the perfect way to ease into the weekend. Ahhh....


  1. Creepy, beautiful, fascinating all at once!

  2. So amazing! Hypnotic and beautiful, thank you for linking it!

  3. Wow - absolutely incredible!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. I've watched this many times, and it never gets old. It is as visiually spectacular as it was when I first saw it. The only thing possible to perfect its near-perfection would be to include some women of color.Thanks for sharing it!

  5. This was really remarkable! Thanks for posting the site.

  6. That's something! Thanks for sharing it. I had not seen it.

  7. Glad you're all enjoying this! As a one-time art history student, I feel like it's kind of a speed-test, trying to ID each face before it morphs into another (with very mixed results). Still very cool. :)

  8. Has anyone identified all these lovely ladies? I would love to have the "key."

  9. All those fabulous faces and artworks! So many different styles and looks. So cleverly done. I wish it had been slower - I wanted to linger longer. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Such sadness in so many of the faces.

  11. I have seen this before, but seeing it just now I watched only the eyes and felt that whilst many of these women's paintings were just pictures, in a few cases I thought perhaps a few were still alive in those paintings! Marvelous video and music.

  12. I've seen this before, but what a delightful treat to watch it again! Thanks for the revisit.

  13. Nice post!!
    Its fabulous.Carry on....

  14. Thank you so much for this. I had never seen it. As a portrait artist, I appreciate the huge amount of time which had to go into the making of the video, and I recognized so many of the works. Fantastic.

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