Saturday, November 12, 2011

Breakfast Links: Week of November 7, 2011

Served up fresh for you, our weekly offering of Breakfast Links: our favorite links to other blogs, web sites, pictures, and articles, all collected for you from around the Twitterverse.
Sotheby's London to offer an unpublished autograph manuscript by Charlotte Brontë:
Landscapes still scarred by WWI battles.
“The sting of a hornet”; Edwardian hat-pin self defence
The London Gazette was first published in 1665 & survives to this day:
Mae West on skinny women, c.1934
Did you know there was a NY Crystal Palace c 1853 in answer to the one in Hyde Park?
The working life of Museum of London - Dressing Daughter For Dinner, c 1934
Martello tower, Pevensey Bay, Sussex, built c 1804-1812 to defend against French invasion:
Wellies, cardies, macks, tarmac, bowlers ... the real-life people behind some everyday objects
An elegant embroidered pelisse, c 1820: 
• The Lord Mayor's Show, 9th November 1779• Rare photo of Brighton Pavilion used as a hospital in WW1:
The case of the Regency card racks in the collections of the National Trust - as unraveled by comment-posters:
Fabulous online exhibit about Napoleon's scientific expedition to Egypt:
Heraldic colors: See how Cinderella crept into this post (with a prompt from a reader)
"To make a rich Seed Cake called the Nun's Cake" - 18th c recipe plus video from the cooks at Colonial Williamsburg:
Rioting women in the Highlands during the C19th-
The Lincoln Mantua gown, 1730s, its conservation and Spitalfields silk -
Excellent short video: Exploring Hogarth's restored house with Lars Tharp
• The "greatest curiosity of the day" in 1817: Toby the Sapient Pig:
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring, 1898


  1. These were some very interesting links! I like your blog, but i always look forward to Fridays' posts especially.

  2. What a great selection today! Love Toby the Sapient Pig, Mae West's comments, the Nun's Cake (38 eggs??) and the amazing Lincoln Mantua. Thanks!

  3. Great links! Especially loved reading the card-rack mystery! I want one for myself...

  4. My great-grandmother gave me one of her hatpins to use as a weapon when I was traveling the NYC subways to high school (wearing one of those lovely Catholic school uniforms, of course). Highly effective against creepy gropers.


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