Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fashions for September 1816

Loretta reports:

In the post-Waterloo era, as the gowns develop flounces and acquire more adornment than earlier in the decade, we also see a bit of a puffy sleeve—though it can’t hold a candle to the immense sleeves that were so popular for so long in the 1830s. (You can marvel at them here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

A Striped sarsnet gown, very richly trimmed round the bottom with a flounce of deep work, finished with a heading: a second flounce is set on at some distance, which is much narrower; it is also finished with a heading. Bows of Pomona green ribbon ornament the skirt a little above the flounce.

The body is cut very low; it is full. The sleeve is long, very loose, and fancifully trimmed with bows of Pomona green ribbon, to correspond with the trimming of the skirt: the sleeve is finished by a very novel and pretty cuff of pointed lace. Fichu à la Duchesse de Berri, composed of white lace, which comes very high; but though it shades the neck in the most delicate manner, it does not by any means give an idea of dishabille; on the contrary, it might be worn in full dress. Hair cropped, and dressed in very full curls in the neck, and very full on the forehead. Striped kid slippers to correspond with the dress. White kid gloves.
Necklace white cornelian, with a small gold cross. Ear-rings white cornelian.
Ackermann’s Repository, 1816


  1. Lovely plate. Isn't it interesting that while this dress is right in the middle of the true British Regency (1811-1820) it doesn't look the way that most modern people think Regency dresses should look. Blame the Austenmaia movies & books. There is so much more to Regency fashion thatn plain white dresses.

  2. A lovely dress, but I really want to grab a pair of scissors and get rid of those bows on the sleeves.

  3. Though I love the Regency era, the Empire waist dress is probably the only one I really don't care for and yet, it makes up the Regency fashion.

    Go figure.

  4. Funny thing, Anonymous, that what people associate with the Regency tended to be more common before what's technically the Regency: from about 1800-1807. Yet even during that time, we see many colorful dresses and interesting design elements. Speaking of which, Jane O, you hate the bows and I find them a lovely touch to the dress, which would have made it very pretty when in motion. Theo, I don't think it's a look that would have become me—but so far I reserve my active dislikes for the 1850s-60s. Haven't yet acquired a taste for those semi-globe skirts.

  5. I love the corset top/full skirt look but I can't get into anything under the skirts that isn't soft and flowing. Hoops? OMG, no! And Panniers? EWWW!

    But I'll admit it. I wore a dress very similar to the one you show here for one of my proms. It was the fashion at the time. What can I say?

  6. This would make me look like a big fatty boombah. How the hourglass girls must have suffered during this time with no way to show off the curves


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