Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fashions for December 1835

Loretta reports:

Because the events of Dukes Prefer Blondes *occur through the second half of 1835, I was on the hunt for fashions for that time period. This led me to purchase my very own copy of La Belle Assemblée. Being accustomed to viewing fashion plates online, I was stunned by the quality of the originals. While my scans are little nicer quality than some Google Book scans of LBA, they are still not nearly as fine as the originals, alas. Also, sleeves get cut off, because of the book binding.

Please note the “violet satin cloak”—I am not quite clear what the description of the cape means, but it might explain why the lady’s right arm seems to come through an opening in the cape and her left seems to be underneath this garment.


Walking Dress.
A cloak of Luxmore, of a bright brown, with a rich pattern in black; it is made as a pelisse, fitting closely to the figure, excepting the sleeves, which hang full from the shoulders. A dress of pale lilac cachemire, bonnet of sapphire blue velvet.
Standing Figure.
Cloak of violet satin, embroidered round with a light pattern of bright chenille, a deep cape lined with velvet; the cape finishes at the shoulder, and turning back, forms a second in velvet. Dress of green cachemire, bonnet of black velvet, trimmed with ponçeau, and black and ponçeau vulture feathers.
Sitting Figure.
A morning dress of cinnamon satin, wraps to the side, is bordered entirely round with a double edge of velvet scalloped. Pelerine to correspond, a simple cap of blonde lace tied with cerise riband, the borders rather wide and full round the face, and supported by chrysanthemum.

*on sale 29 December!

Please click on images to enlarge.


  1. The cloak that swallowed the lady.
    Those fashions appear to be to make the woman seem more authoritative and present--- one would always be aware of a lady wearing such clothes in most rooms-- get two or three together and they would fill the room.
    To my eyes it looks as though the fashions are using the female as a clothes rack. The clothes eclipse the lady. The clothes were certainly good for the fabric industry. WE could probably make to regency gowns out of one of the 1835s and the cloak would make a pelisse and a spencer , at least.

  2. Some of the 19th century fashions make women look more "upholstered" than dressed. It's like seeing an upright walking sofa with lots of draperies on it. And it always surprises me to see the size of the feet. Cinderella had nothing on these ladies. Their feet look like those of an infant. But you are so right about the quality of the illustrations. I have one in my shop from 1860's L'Illustrateur des Dames. It is all tinted by hand and really lovely. The proportions are a bit better than the ones you are showing here, but I supposed that all depended upon the illustrator. http://www.rubylane.com/item/823962-TC9/French-Hand-Tinted-Fashion-Print-1860
    Here is mine if you wish to compare styles.
    Thanks for posting! Very nice.

  3. Oh how wonderful to have a real copy of La Belle Assemble! The perfect coffeetable book for Nerdy History Girls!

  4. Question: what class of women could afford this cape? What was the cost of the fashion and what fabrics were used to create the cape??? atk

  5. Anonymous: Good question. I'm going to try to address it in a future blog post.

  6. Good Early Morning from MS. USA, I am a theologian's wife and a former teacher. Thank you for answering my question, and am very surprised that a researcher would locate this information. The interest of mine in price and fabric in the style of the cape probably comes from my grandmother and her best friend who were Gibson Girls in a milliner shop where they created hats. On their own they salary they could not afford the material for a hat or price of a small cape. They made their own Gibson Girl Hat and a Cape.
    Always wanted to know how fashion filtered down here in the USA before 1920 and same date in England...
    This is one of my most favorite web pages: TWO NERDY GIRLS. Again thanks, Mrs. atk


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