Saturday, December 5, 2015

Breakfast Links: Week of November 30, 2015

It's time for Breakfast Links - our weekly round-up of fav links to other articles, images, blogs, and websites via Twitter.
• Sartorial dissections: clothes in the early 20thc photographs of Christina Broom.
• How a design student transformed traditional Hungarian needlework patterns into beautiful music.
• A man-cave for an Enlightenment gentleman.
Coconuts weren't as rare in medieval England as Monty Python & the Holy Grail wanted you to think.
• The dangers of fringed gloves.
Image: The Flapper magazine, 1922: "not for old fogies."
• Did you save that lucky wishbone from Thanksgiving? This one was embellished with a diamond and a pearl!
Haberdashery trade cards from the 18th-19thc.
• Protecting Grace Darling's coble.
• Diamond jewelry was very rare in 18thc. America, but Martha Washington wore this multi-stone ring - with a secret.
• Conserving the 200-year-old Kinfauns Castle recipe book.
Image: From National Button Day: a 19thc button with a design of woven hair in different shades.
• There's both a tech conference and a navy destroyer named after this person - yet you've never heard of her.
• There really was a Winnie-the-Pooh - a female bear cub from Winnipeg, Canada, brought to England at the start of World War One.
• An intricately inlaid 17thc. cabinet for holding stationary and writing instruments.
• The rise and fall of the military moustache.
Image: Melodramatic book covers from 1880s-90s pulp fiction.
• A recipe to try with 17thc. origins: cinder toffee.
• The original 1807 Nelson's Needle monument near Portsmouth was paid for by the crew of HMS Victory.
• How a 19thc Finnish librarian decoded the world's folklore.
• Won't someone save this scandalously neglected French chateau?
Image: An ingeneous folding trunk bed.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily.
Above: At Breakfast by Laurits Andersen Ring. Private collection.


  1. The 17th century cabinet from India is amazing. Certainly it borrows its shape from European designs, but the external floral decoration and the small drawers used to hold writing utensils adapted the object to local taste and use. I have seen many slants/writing surfaces before, but not utilising the fold-down front.

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