Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Furnishing your nursery in 1809

Child's cot and nursery chair
Cot & chair description
Loretta reports:

One thing I noticed about the evolution of Ackermann’s Repository over the years:  In the early years of its publication, children appear occasionally in the fashion plates.  But in the later years they seem to disappear.  I wonder if this has anything to do with pregnancy being highly fashionable at one point, or whether it simply reflects one of those cultural swings of the pendulum.

I’ll leave you to speculate, while you contemplate placing a very special infant into a mahogany “cot-bed” tastefully draped in rich silk ...

Cot & chair description

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1 comment:

  1. I think the chang is due to a change in focus. The magazine seems to have been a bit more like Good Housekeeping with pictures of children and children's furniture, etc, and then it turned in to Glamour or other higher end fashion magazine,
    I am grateful we do have several of these on line but irked that often whoever digitalized the publication didn't open patterns, and other long folded pages.
    I would like to have a real one.


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