Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Model T x 2

Loretta reports:

Since it was the Edison-Ford winter estates I visited a few weeks ago (and blogged about here and here), it's only fair to give Ford some attention, too. The collection of artifacts included these two early-model autos.

I’ll let the museum’s sign tell the story, and will only add that I was struck by the apparent fragility of the vehicles, and impressed with the courage of early drivers, especially those who dared to cross a continent in these machines—on bumpy and rocky dirt roads where road signs were precious few, where gas stations were practically unknown, along which you would be sure to break some part about every five or ten miles, and the auto repair shop was the village blacksmith. Thus the supplies needed for long trips, as shown on the sign. (For more on this topic, please see my blog about Horatio’s Drive.

Please check out the vehicles, and tell me:  Would you be one of the intrepid ones?  Would you learn to drive in, say 1915?  Would you set out on a long road trip?


  1. These days driving tends to be pretty boring, especially on highways that look the same no matter where you are. But traveling cross-country in a Model T? That must have been really exciting.

  2. I love reading all your blogs. This one in particular caught my attention as my great aunt Marie Selby was the first woman to cross the continent in an automobile. She attempted to register as a contestant for the first transcontinental automobile race but was denied since she was a woman. Despite this she and Uncle Bill, her husband, outfitted themselves with equipment from Abercrombie & Fitch for camping and followed the same race course across country. They finished days ahead of the other contestants.
    Marie was also an accomplished horse woman and could be seen wearing her riding attire of "blue jeans" in downtown Sarasota, FL where she lived. This raised many eyebrows among the de rigueur.
    Here is a link to a brief bio for Marie and Bill which includes a photo of them in their touring car.
    Thanks for all of your wonderful daily posts. I can't imagine how you manage to keep up such a constant flow of interesting blogs!

  3. Lil, I agree. Although driving today can be more exciting than one would wish, thanks to texting drivers. But in the early days, it really was an adventure. Sarah, that story was fantastic. I didn't get to Sarasota during my recent visit, but have put it on the list for next time. Now I have more reason! Thank you!

  4. In 1908 my great grandmother learned to drive, but quit in 1910 after an accident with a lady who hopped off a tram into her path. The lady broke a leg and great grandmother Carrie lost her nerve!

  5. Oh heck no! Sounds like a lot of work!


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