Saturday, March 16, 2013

Breakfast Links: Week of March 11, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! To start your day, we're offering the freshest of Breakfast Links – our fav twitter links of the week linking you to articles, blog posts, web sites, videos, and photos you won't want to miss.
• A bit o' emerald green for St. Patrick's Day in this 1880s bonnet.
• Educating your daughter: a guide to English boarding schools for girls, 1814.
• From horses to motorcars: the 145-year-old New York City gas station that started out as a blacksmith's shop.
• "I am so provoked at this last piece of malice - that I am not fit to write a line." Lord Bryon, Lady Melbourne, & Caro, 1813.
Long-lost violin played by the bandleader as the Titanic sank miraculously reappears.
• A great, evocative short film of Peterborough Cathedral.
• The history of a London house through nearly three centuries of its wallpapers.
• Wonder Women: Flickr set of ordinary Manchester women turned vigilante suffragists, c 1913.
• The first Wild One: the genesis of the classic motorcycle jacket.
• A notice for presentation of the 3930 lb cheese, c. 1860s.
• "Primarily drinking British gin" and other things that will land you in an 18th c. asylum.
• Early vintage photographs with painted studio backdrops.
• America's professional slave gardeners: raising food and flowers.
• How looser corsets helped women get the right to vote.
• The Master of Ceremonies in a Georgian assembly room.
• Keomata, the Japanese cat-demon with supernatural powers.
• Little saloon on the prairie: new angles on heritage tourism.
• Useful lines from 17th c. courtship: "The stars borrow light from your radiant eyes."
• Cleaning the 2000+ books at Montacute House.
• Eighteen obsolete words that never should have gone out of style.
Capturing hearts, from a manuscript c. 1500.
• Eggs Newberg, plus paper napkins and ketchup on the table: dining with the stars at Hearst Castle.
• Charlotte Bronte's miniature literary handiwork.
• What did Anne Boleyn really look like?
Problem servants, 1859.
• "I must declare candidly that your company is not by any means agreeable to me": love and break-up letters from 1798.
• Truly bizarre photo from c 1904: President Taft astride a buffalo.
• What do you do with a drunken Pilgrim? Mayflower was stocked with beer, wine, cider, & spirits.
• Langston Hughes collected these cards advertising rent parties in Harlem in the 1940s-50s.
• One of the perils of delivering newspapers in 1774 - being washed away with your horse.
• A selection of Victorian jokes. Really.
• Medieval plague victims unearthed in City of London.
• Vintage photographs of early 20th c. St. Patrick's Day parades in New York City.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twitter @2nerdyhistgirls for fresh updates daily!


  1. Thanks for the nod ladies! Hearst was surely an interesting character. There is something endearing about putting ketchup on the table with paper napkins in such a setting!

  2. Especially good set! You've such a flair for catching the interesting. Honoured to be included, as always.

  3. Thank you again for the great pleasure of being a Link, and in wonderful company!

  4. Obsolete words, what a crack up. That was worth a wonderful little chuckle!


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