Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fashions for March 1810

Loretta reports:

Once again, we get one black & white and one color print, this time in La Belle Assemblée.  Umm, you might also note the derrière of the lady at the piano.  The dresses are not as clingy as many people think; that damped muslin thing seems to be a myth; and we're getting the distinct impression that a well-rounded rear end and very full thighs were viewed as hot.
MARCH, 1810.

A pelisse of black Merino cloth or velvet, buttoned from the throat to the feet, made to fit tight to the shape with a band and crape, ornamented with a double row of gold braiding, or an oriental embossed silk trimming, worn; over a chemisette of French lawn. A Spanish hat and flat drooping ostrich feather tipped with orange. Half hoots of black or orange coloured Morocco, Angola muff lined with yellow; the hair lightly curled on the left side with a thick braid crossing the face. Earrings of gold, or amber. Gloves of York tan.

A white satin round dress, with half yard train, laced up the back and seams with gold twist, ornamented round the neck with a full twill of frosted satin or white crape, and down the front and at the wrist with gold braiding, and small drop buttons. It is made to sit high on the neck; cut to a point in the centre of the bosom and back: a gold band encircles the waist. A white satin Emsdorf helmet trimmed with gold, ornamented with two white craped ostrich feathers. White satin shoes embroidered with gold; white kid gloves; gold necklace and ear-rings ; cornelian brooch. The hair dressed in ringlets on each side the face, with a long Theresa curl falling over the left shoulder.

An India muslin train over a white satin petticoat. A boddice of green velvet, ornamented at the seams with gold braiding, and trimmed round the neck with a twill of green crape or velvet. A Spanish cap, with green craped ostrich feathers.
La Belle Assemblée, Volume 1, 1810


  1. The coat outfit at least looks as though it would be warm. The bare neck and shoulders of the evening dresses make me shiver. That is where I usually feel the draught. I wonder how many ladie s followed these fashions or if they weren't more like the fashions in some of our tonier magazines and only worn by those who considered themselves leaders of fashion. Fashion is a subject that completely mystifies me. I can;t understand it at all, at all.

  2. The clothes were very expensive, and definitely not worn by ordinary women. For the upper classes, it was a different story. Right after these fashion plates, for instance, there are descriptions of what various "ladies of distinction" actually wore. The magazines often contain descriptions of what ladies wore to major events, such as Drawing Rooms. Fashion seems to have played a larger role then than today, since seeing and being seen was mainly what upper class ladies did, and since they were not at all shy about displaying their wealth. Then as now, fashion wasn't necessarily about comfort. Indeed, the 19th C fashion magazines comment on this fact from time to time.

  3. The Hyde Park Walking Dress is one of my favorite prints. (I have 2, in color.) Such a striking ensemble!

  4. As to the lady at the piano, if you pull yourself in a lot here, you will find a tendency to bulge out a bit there.

  5. "a thick braid crossing the face"...Hm, that IS an novel hairstyle.


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