Saturday, January 21, 2012

Breakfast Links: Week of January 16, 2012

Served up fresh: our weekly offering of Breakfast Links. Our favorite links to other blogs, web sites, pictures, and articles, collected from around the Twitterverse.
"Salads to reach round the world" Extravagant 17th c food, where more was MORE:
Female singer's 1,100-year-old tomb unearthed in Egypt's Valley of the Kings
• The Queen’s life in postcards:
• Brilliant. From 1891, a brief guide to the art of "Eye Flirtation"
• By 1800, almost 40% of English brides came to the altar pregnant:
• The beautiful blues & greens of John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 -
• Comparing the Downton Abbey household with those of American counterparts like the Du Ponts at Winterthur:
• Mary Anderson, forgotten inventor of a very important device:
• In 18th c London, the King licensed keys to the rich for private access to Hyde Park
• A beautiful, snowy Paris in 1948:
• 100 yrs ago, Captain Scott reached the S.Pole, never to return: his heartbreaking last letter to his wife:
• The Duchess of Lauderdale's teapot at Ham House reveals one of its secrets:
• The history of a fascinating piece of American culture: the Chinese food takeout box:
• Born this week: Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 - His 13 year-old bride & the other women in his life -
• Livery:Preserving the Distinction of Rank
• Embroidered Emile Pingat Evening Cape, circa 1891
• How we remember Winnie-the-Pooh by AA Milne (born this week in 1882): with illustrations by EH Shepard:
• The Way the Ladies Ride: On the unusual riding habits of medieval and Renaissance women
• Fabulous, yet poignant: evening gloves with musical symbols made on World War II's outbreak


  1. Excellent collection of links- I especially enjoyed the post about Edgar Allen Poe's relationships- his poor wife Virginia! Thanks much for linking to my post about Mary Anderson!

  2. Thanks for posting Poe. I truly appreciate your continuing support.

  3. What a wonderful list of links today. Poe's was very interesting indeed, but the one that tore at me was Scott's letter to his wife. How wrenching to know you're going to die and yet, you hold out that tiny hope.

    Made me cry.


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