Saturday, December 10, 2011

Breakfast Links: Week of December 5, 2011

Served up fresh: our weekly offering of Breakfast Links!  Our favorite links to other blogs, web sites, pictures, and articles, collected from around the Twitterverse.
A 19th c Manhattan landmark destroyed "by stealth":
What a costume says: Mildred Pierce's 1930s waitress uniform:
Civil War cool: Three young officers of the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery, hanging out by a tree:
Check out the festive pug! 19th c chromolithographed Christmas cards from Am. Antiquarian Society :
'Beyond the Grave: Concepts of Death in Early Modern England' -
Grafffiti at the Tower of London: 
Sometime in late 41 BC, Marc Antony and Cleopatra had Cleopatra's sister and rival Arsinoe executed
• On-line book:  'Street Life in London', 1877: Rare descriptions & photographs of ordinary working people:
The myth of Krampus, the bad guy of #Christmas out to punish bad children:
If you haven't already discovered the tumblr of smoldering gentlemen in cravats from, you should. Really. :
Modern realities of maintaining British estates:
Looking at the work by Betty Ratcliffe, eighteenth-century artist and lady's maid:
Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter F. Neumeyer:
The Vindication of Christmas, 1652, shows how Father Christmas was perceived in Cromwell’s England:
'Parting the veil of Faery', 1890s -
Extraordinary pair of ivory, steel, & brass wheellock pistols, c 1655-65 from Metropolitan Museum of Art: 
Illegal marriage, an escape attempt in men's clothing, & finally death by starvation: the life of Arabella Stuart
A history of the 'gin palaces' in Regency England:
Exploding cuffs: how 1740s women's fashions widened:
18th c horse racing:
Anyone for a full baron? Roasting the Christmas Beef:
Birds of Paradise*gorgeous* hand-coloured engravings)
Looks like a high old time: Vintage (and embarrassing!) photos from1948 Christmas office party in NYC:
Above: At Breakfast, by Laurits Andersen Ring, 1898


  1. I love your links!

    As soon as I get a bit more time I'll start going through all of them - at this moment, I can only read a few choice articles every time, but what I do read leaves me wanting more :) .

  2. What a privilege it would be to get an envelope from Edward Gorey! I love is stuff and all those personal missives are fabulous.

    All the links were great this week, but then again, they always are. :o)


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