Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Early This Morning in Colonial Williamsburg: Cats Stand Guard

Susan reporting:

Even though the streets of Colonial Williamsburg are virtually empty in the early morning (except for the occasional dog-walker and runner), the cats remain vigilant.

The carved lion, left, tops the gates to the Governor's Palace, a regal symbol of the monarchy. While most visitors associate Williamsburg with the American Revolution, the 18th c. city as it is represented is still part of a royal colony, and there are plenty of reminders that Virginians are still His Majesty's subjects. Rule Britannia!

But it's likely that the calico cat named Shilling, right, turns up in far more tourist photos than King George's lion.  She is owned by the head coachman-interpreter, and can often be found strolling about the neighborhood below the Capitol. A true CW resident, she's quite obliging about posing for pictures, too – nor does she seem overly concerned that the street that she's surveying here is often called DoG (short for Duke of Gloucester Street.)

SHE knows who really rules, doesn't she?


  1. My husband and I were in Colonial Williamsburg last week and saw this calico cat. She was scratching at the door of the silversmith shop trying to get in. She really is quite at home on DoG street and not bothered at all by all of the visitors.

  2. I'm really enjoying all of your Williamsburg posts this week. I'm originally from Virginia and had many wonderful trips to that area of the state when I was younger and really miss seeing it now that I'm located in the Pacific NW. I just know that soon they'll be starting to decorate for the holidays and that was always our favorite time to visit!

  3. My sister and I will be in CW next Saturday {just coming up from Norfolk}. Your past few posts just help to remind me of just how much we love CW.

  4. Many years ago I was a costumed interpreter at Plimoth Plantation. One of my favorite times in the village was morning, before visitors arrived. I loved watching and hearing and smelling the village wake up. The smell of fires and white smoke curling up from chimneys, cows mooing to be milked, the snorts of sows. Other interpreters would be walking to their houses, women with baskets, men carrying a scythe or a rake, people fetching water in wooden buckets, singing a hymn or a bawdy London song. Your photos of early mornings in Wburg brought back pleasant memories. Katherine Louise

  5. A house is never complete without a cat, isn't it?
    What a lovely little post - thank you for sharing!


  6. Her name is Schilling and she is a sweetheart! One of the "people" I miss most from CW. ;)

  7. Actually Shilling is owned by the head coachman and interpreter Joyce Henry who is a long time friend of mine.

    Anita L. Henderson

  8. Anita, thank you for the correction regarding Shilling's owner - I'll update. :)

  9. I was staying in the Orlando Jones house last week and she actually came in the house and loved us up. It was such a lovely surprise because I missed my kitties back home. The next day I saw her sleeping in the print shop.


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