Saturday, October 1, 2011

Breakfast Links: Week of September 26, 2011

Another fresh offering of this week’s Breakfast Links, noteworthy tidbits gathered from other blogs, web sites, news stories, and museums that we've discovered wandering around the Twitterverse: 
• Executed 26 September 1778: James “Sandy Flash” Fitzpatrick, a Revolutionary War rogue with Robin Hood inclinations:
• 1911 Etiquette book to download! Do you have your visiting cards ready?
• The complicated relationships between Thomas Jefferson's wife Martha Wayles Skelton 1748-1782 & her 1/2 sister Sally Hemmings
• From the Smithsonian: Pregnant in uniform
Treebeard from Lord of the Rings spotted in Nonsuch Park:
• Map of a Woman's Heart from 1833. I love 'Flirting Corner'
'Crying to Heaven for Revenge': The Bleeding Corpse and its Significance in History -
• Terrifically silly:  'Man's Life' Magazine, 1950s -
History of NYC's St. Patrick's cathedral, James Renwick's magnificent Fifth Ave landmark:
Let me lead you by the hand to an Elizabethan Garden at Kenilworth Castle -
• Fabulous1959 Roger Vivier kingfisher feather evening shoes:
An 18th c apothecary's box, a veritable cornucopia for the hypochondriac!
• Beautiful early Modern Dance videos of Loie Fuller in color & Isadora Duncan in costume!
Sparkle by candlelight: Unusual metallic embroidery on white muslin 18th c gowns:
The Brighton Pavilion and the Dress for Excess Exhibition,
• Historic Dress of the Day: Two-piece taffeta dress, mid 19th c, from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts:
Wonder what's behind the rope and up the Frick's Grand Staircase or in the basement?
Anne Boleyn's psalter made between 1529-1532. The text is entirely in French, which Ann ready fluently:
• Restocking the shelves of elegant 1766 Robert Adam-designed library at Osterley Park:
• “Nickum-poop: A fool, a silly sort” - Snippets from a Rogue's Dictionary
Above: At Breakfast, by Laurits Andersen Ring, 1898


  1. I just love all your links and look forward to all sorts of interesting things every Sunday. Thank you for doing this!

  2. the thing i was wondering about that map of the woman's heart...what is Tambourton? it's in the "love of dress" area...and is next to Cashmere and Satin.

    any idea?

  3. Thanks, Kat - glad you enjoy the links!

    Edgetor, I wondered about that 'tambourton', too.Though I couldn't find it listed in any of my historic fashion/fabric books, I'm guessing that it's one more kind of luxury fabric, now forgotten. Tambour-work was a kind of embroidery popular in the 18th-early 19th centuries, so it's likely there is some connection. Anyone else have a better answer


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